njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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njoy16 tests build and run in ubuntu 20.04 ? #282

Closed emillon779 closed 1 year ago

emillon779 commented 1 year ago

Which commandline tests build and run in ubuntu 20.04 ? Sample: emil@DESKTOP-:~/NJOY2016/build/tests/01$ l CMakeFiles/ Makefile input referenceTape25 tape26 CTestTestfile.cmake cmake_install.cmake output tape20* test.inp emil@DESKTOP-:~/NJOY2016/build/tests/01$

whaeck commented 1 year ago

You can run the tests using the ctest command in your build folder after compiling the NJOY2016 executable:

cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make -j8 ctest -j8

As far as I know, all current 77 tests are run correctly on ubuntu 20.04 - as you can see in GitHub actions: https://github.com/njoy/NJOY2016/actions/runs/4196860302/jobs/7278412783