njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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HELP #323

Closed Vincent-Hugo closed 5 months ago

Vincent-Hugo commented 7 months ago

Hello! When I try to process some isotopes (U-235,U-238, Pu,...) in ENDF/B-VIII.0 . It emerges:

moder... 0.0s At line 852 of file D:\src\endf.f90 (unit = 50, file = 'tape50') Fortran runtime error: End of file

Could please explain to me and fix.

whaeck commented 7 months ago

There could be multiple reasons why this is happening but I would need an input file and an evaluation for which this happens.

Can you send me your input file so I can have a look? Thanks.

Vincent-Hugo commented 6 months ago

I merely used MODER MODULE like this:

moder 20 -21 stop

it worked for other isotope.

whaeck commented 6 months ago

The only reasons why moder would fail like this would a format issue in the evaluation, or when you have a corrupted file. We have run njoy with all ENDF/B-VIII.0 files (and we do use moder on each of them) and have never seen this issue so I do not see what may be going on.

Which version of NJOY are you running, and which compiler have you been using? I did notice that you seem to be running on Windows - which we currently do not support.

Vincent-Hugo commented 6 months ago

I now using NJOY 2016.73 and MinGW

Vincent-Hugo commented 6 months ago

OMG!, I knew the problem that is my carelessness in collecting data.