njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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Probability tables for Na-22 and Ne-22 #324

Open SalvoAgrillo opened 6 months ago

SalvoAgrillo commented 6 months ago


I was processing the ENDF/B-VIII.0 libraries into ACE format following the procedures suggested in "Release of ENDF/B-VIII.0-Based ACE Data Files" (LA-UR-18-24034), I'm using NJOY2016.35 and I noticed something strange with the Na-22 and Ne-22.

In the report it is mentioned that Na-22 shows negative cross sections in the probability tables, therefore the PURR module was not considered. I noticed the same behaviour and I tried to eliminate the PURR module from my input. However, by testing a temperature of 293.6 K, keeping the PURR module in the NJOY input for Na-22 I retrieve the exact 11022.800nc ACE file from the Lib80x repository. On the contrary, if I process the Ne-22 without the PURR module I obtain the exact 10022.800nc. The same happens for all the other temperatures.

Is it possible that the PURR module was erroneously removed from the input decks of Ne-22 instead of Na-22? I share my input decks and my ACE files as references. Thanks! IssueNa22Ne22.zip