njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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Segfault using SAMMY formulas in ERRORR #328

Open Pierresole opened 5 months ago

Pierresole commented 5 months ago


I get a segmentation fault when setting the flag 'Want_SAMRML_RM' to 'true' in errorr source file, and then launch ERRORR with some specific evaluations, namely the ones with file MF32/LRF=3. If I understand correctly this flag "forces" ERRORR to use the SAMMY branch to process the file MF32/LRF=3 of an evaluation : has there been any attempt to process this type of file with this branch ?

Thanks for your time

Input for the 24-Cr- 53 (that uses MF32/LRF=3 in ENDF/B-VIII) :

moder 20 -25 reconr -25 21 'Cr53- 0.0 K - B8'/ 2434 0 0 0.001 0 0.01 5e-08 0 / errorr -25 21 0 85 0 0 2434 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 33 1 3/ stop