njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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Problem processing DT ENDF/B-VIII.1b3 into ACE format #332

Closed ocabellos closed 2 months ago

ocabellos commented 3 months ago


Using the following input, NJOY2016.74 fails to process the ENDF/B-VIII.1b3 evaluated deuteron induced reaction for H003 (tritium) into ACE format.

The error message is: "error in changeUndefined law for dlwh block: 0"

========================= moder / 20 -21 / moder / 20 -22 / acer / generate ACE file -21 -22 0 25 26 / NENDF, NPENDF, NGEND, NACE, NDIR 1 0 1 .81 / IOPT, IPRINT, ITYPE, SUFF ' H003 NJOY2016.74 - ENDFB81b3 for deuterons' / HK 131 0. / MAT, tempr 1 1 / NEWFOR, IOPP / acer / check ace file 0 25 27 25 26 / NENDF, NPENDF, NGEND, NACE, NDIR 7 1 1 -1 / IOPT, IPRINT, ITYPE, SUFF ' H003 NJOY2016.74 - ENDFB81b3 for deuterons' / HK viewr / generate postscript file 27 28 / infile, PS output file stop / The END

whaeck commented 2 months ago

I coded this error message into NJOY because MCNP has an issue when it encounters LAW=0 in the ACE file. This is probably because a secondary particle has its LAW set to 0. You may want to change it to LAW=4 (if that makes sense for that reaction of course). This is how we solved this issue on n+Be9.