njsmith / posy

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Workflow considerations for a future Posy #25

Open cnpryer opened 1 year ago

cnpryer commented 1 year ago

Hi! I love this! Thanks for working on it. I'm definitely going to play around with this project, looks super interesting.

I see in your readme you've mentioned a potential future where posy can offer more workflow management as well:

A project-oriented Python workflow manager, designed to make it easy for beginners to write their first Python script or notebook, and then grow with you to developing complex standalone apps and libraries with many contributors.

Have you thought about what that workflow might look like yet? I know it's probably too early for this question, but I figured I could reach out since this is something that's been on my todo for a while now.

I'd love to recreate the Cargo experience in Python. Are you thinking about supporting commands to do things like format, lint, and test the project?

Posy's "front-end to Python" story is really nice, so also being able to manage my workflow entirely with posy would be great. For reference, I made a PoC here if you want to check it out.