njthomson / SrvSurvey

A new to help Commanders in planet based opperations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SRVSurvey Canonn download #112

Open Prinz-von-Oelen opened 2 months ago

Prinz-von-Oelen commented 2 months ago

Hello, first of all: thanks for the SRV Survey app! Its awesome!

My current question is, the windows with the canonn downloads of the scan worth of bio signals does rarely show. Am I missing something? what triggers the window?

njthomson commented 2 months ago

@Prinz-von-Oelen - did you mean the really new window with screenshots from Canonn? This appears when you scan something, but I'm going to make it easier than that.

Or did you mean the overlay on the left with prior scan locations? This overlay appears any time someone uploading data has been there before. If you're in an undiscovered system - it will never show because no one has been there before.

Prinz-von-Oelen commented 2 months ago

Hi - sorry for the late response, got alot going around these days. But thank you, that clarifies it already: I am deep in the wilds scanning some space-cabbage and it seems that I stumbled across the master works of someone else. That way I saw the new window pop up. Was somehow handy since it showed everything I needed to know.

Other question: on the top is the overlay that shows the estimated worth of the plants. Is there an opt-out option to see just the raw value and not the ff-bonus applied?

njthomson commented 2 months ago

You can un-check the first foot fall box on the main window, or send an in-game message .ff to make it not apply the 5x bonus.

I will add a new setting to make this optional.

Prinz-von-Oelen commented 2 months ago

Thank you =) Optional would be nice. When scanning the plant from my cockpit, I am used to the "raw" value and on the main page I love the "unclaimed reward" with the ff x5 applied.

njthomson commented 2 months ago

Just curious, are you using the GitHub build or from the App store?

Prinz-von-Oelen commented 2 months ago

From the app store. It was stated that it would be updated automatically. thats handy.

njthomson commented 2 months ago

You'll like what's coming up soon then. This new overlay predicts species, shows their values and uses a icons so we can assess the whole value of a body without squinting at numbers.


Prinz-von-Oelen commented 2 months ago

WOW ! ! ! You are a mind reader - didnt dare to ask if a prediction would be possible! I use the google docs list from the webs XD Ah, I see the window on the left - thats what I mean - thats great!

njthomson commented 2 months ago

There's a new overlay when FSS'ing too image-11

Consider the GitHub build :)

Prinz-von-Oelen commented 2 months ago

Gloriuos! Thank you! When will it be available?

The github build? OK, will do so!

njthomson commented 2 months ago

I'm hoping within 2 weeks.

Prinz-von-Oelen commented 2 months ago

Thanks alot =)