njtierney / brolgar

BRowse Over Longitudinal Data Graphically and Analytically in R
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features with multiple variables #107

Open atsyplenkov opened 3 years ago

atsyplenkov commented 3 years ago

Following my twit, I'm submitting an issue.

I was trying to create my own features with multiple variables. Is it possible? The goal is to apply a function to multiple variables and get one variable in the end.

This is an example where I expected a sum of two columns to be returned.


feat_tot <- function(x, y, ...){
    tot = sum(x, y)

wages %>% 
  features_at(.var = vars("ln_wages", "xp"),
              features = feat_tot)
#> Warning: 888 errors (1 unique) encountered for feature 1
#> [888] argument "y" is missing, with no default
#> Warning: 888 errors (1 unique) encountered for feature 2
#> [888] argument "y" is missing, with no default
#> # A tibble: 888 x 1
#>       id
#>    <int>
#>  1    31
#>  2    36
#>  3    53
#>  4   122
#>  5   134
#>  6   145
#>  7   155
#>  8   173
#>  9   206
#> 10   207
#> # ... with 878 more rows