njtierney / mmcc

Fast, tidy functions for mcmc diagnostics and summaries, built with data.table
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Create our own mcmc data #11

Closed njtierney closed 6 years ago

njtierney commented 7 years ago

It would be cool if we had a couple of datasets that were from different kinds of mcmc output - for example, I'm not sure if mcmc.list is the class for STAN and JAGS objects.

samclifford commented 7 years ago

JAGS uses coda.samples and so returns an mcmc.list. I've got an example I can commit and push to a new branch that simulates data for a linear model and shows off the column selection and makes a plot.

samclifford commented 7 years ago

I have added a vignette for some simulated data, fitting and predicting from a linear model, showing density plots with the parameter values (without using ggmcmc).

samclifford commented 7 years ago

Perhaps we ought to change the vignette so that we sample from three sets of chains and look at colouring/grouping the graphs by chain.

njtierney commented 7 years ago

Sorry I've been a bit absent here!

I really like the vignette, great job :)

Simulated data is great for what we need to show, so that works well.

However, I wonder if maybe we could use some example data from somewhere local (data is more fun if it's from Australia / Brisbane, imo) - we can then use that data in the package, and then fit a model to that, and store the model as data in the package.

njtierney commented 7 years ago

pull request merged, I'll change the name on the trip home