njtierney / syn

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should change word to lowercase before searching #27

Closed njtierney closed 5 years ago

njtierney commented 5 years ago
#> character(0)
#>   [1] "aberrate"           "agree to disagree"  "alter"             
#>   [4] "ameliorate"         "angle"              "angle off"         
#>   [7] "be changed"         "be converted into"  "be distinct"       
#>  [10] "be distinguished"   "be renewed"         "bear off"          
#>  [13] "bend"               "bestrew"            "bias"              
#>  [16] "bottom out"         "branch off"         "branch out"        
#>  [19] "break"              "break up"           "break with"        
#>  [22] "broadcast"          "change"             "change the bearing"
#>  [25] "checker"            "chop"               "chop and change"   
#>  [28] "circumfuse"         "clash with"         "come about"        
#>  [31] "come around"        "come round"         "conflict with"     
#>  [34] "contrast with"      "crook"              "curve"             
#>  [37] "deal out"           "deflect"            "degenerate"        
#>  [40] "depart"             "depart from"        "deploy"            
#>  [43] "deteriorate"        "detour"             "deviate"           
#>  [46] "deviate from"       "differ"             "differentiate"     
#>  [49] "diffract"           "diffuse"            "digress"           
#>  [52] "disaccord with"     "disagree"           "disagree with"     
#>  [55] "disband"            "dispel"             "dispense"          
#>  [58] "disperse"           "dispread"           "disseminate"       
#>  [61] "dissent"            "distort"            "distribute"        
#>  [64] "disunify"           "divagate"           "divaricate"        
#>  [67] "divaricate from"    "diverge"            "diverge from"      
#>  [70] "diversify"          "divert"             "divide"            
#>  [73] "dogleg"             "drift"              "excurse"           
#>  [76] "fall out"           "fan out"            "flop"              
#>  [79] "fork"               "go away"            "go off"            
#>  [82] "go separate ways"   "hairpin"            "haul around"       
#>  [85] "have a falling-out" "heel"               "improve"           
#>  [88] "issue"              "jar with"           "jibe"              
#>  [91] "meliorate"          "mitigate"           "modulate"          
#>  [94] "mutate"             "not accord with"    "not square with"   
#>  [97] "oblique"            "outspread"          "overscatter"       
#> [100] "oversow"            "overspread"         "part"              
#> [103] "part company"       "propagate"          "publish"           
#> [106] "pull"               "radiate"            "ramble"            
#> [109] "ramify"             "refract"            "relieve"           
#> [112] "retail"             "revive"             "scatter"           
#> [115] "separate"           "sheer"              "shift"             
#> [118] "skew"               "slue"               "sow"               
#> [121] "sow broadcast"      "splay"              "split"             
#> [124] "split up"           "spread"             "spread out"        
#> [127] "stand apart"        "stand over against" "stray"             
#> [130] "strew"              "subdivide"          "sway"              
#> [133] "swerve"             "tack"               "take a turn"       
#> [136] "trend"              "turn"               "turn aside"        
#> [139] "turn away"          "turn into"          "turn the corner"   
#> [142] "twist"              "undergo a change"   "utter"             
#> [145] "variate"            "variegate"          "vary"              
#> [148] "veer"               "wander"             "warp"              
#> [151] "worsen"             "zigzag"

Created on 2019-08-27 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)