njucckevin / SeeClick

The model, data and code for the visual GUI Agent SeeClick
Apache License 2.0
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many images not found when I process AITW dataset #15

Closed Yuan-Lin615 closed 2 months ago

Yuan-Lin615 commented 3 months ago

I download AITW anno and process AITW dataset like this.

cd agent_tasks
python aitw_process.py --imgs_dir aitw_imgs

Is this normal.

njucckevin commented 3 months ago


Have you downloaded the AITW screenshots mentioned in the Preparation section of readme_agent.md? The aitw_imgs should be the actual dir of the downloaded images.

linxid commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the reply, I reextracted the file and no more problems. When I was working with the widget_captioning.json data, I noticed that many of the images don't exist, is this normal. There are only 56044 images in rico_images

linxid commented 3 months ago
njucckevin commented 3 months ago

How many images are in the combined dir in your case? For me, all the images in widget_captioning.json can be found in combined directory.

linxid commented 3 months ago

56044 images. I download dataset in this url

njucckevin commented 3 months ago

Do you have enough local storage space on your computer? I found that if there's not enough storage space it will cause the unzip to be missing some files.