njudd / ggrain

{package} Make beautiful Raincloud plots in R!
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Connecting lines across time #5

Closed njudd closed 1 year ago

njudd commented 1 year ago

CRAN did not want seed arguments in the function. This means to recreate the figures with lines in the vignette you must specify the same jitter seed in point & line (example below).

ggplot(iris.long[iris.long$time %in% c('t1', 't2'),], aes(time, Sepal.Width, fill = Species)) + geom_rain(alpha = .5, rain.side = 'f2x2', id.long.var = "id", point.args.pos = list(position = position_jitter(width = 0.04, height = 0, seed = 42)), line.args.pos = list(position = position_jitter(width = 0.04, height = 0, seed = 42))) + theme_classic() + scale_fill_manual(values=c("dodgerblue", "darkorange")) + guides(fill = 'none', color = 'none')

Will attempt to find a workaround for version 0.0.3

njudd commented 1 year ago

v0.0.3 out