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舆情分析基本框架 #16

Closed Yulianxia closed 6 years ago

Yulianxia commented 6 years ago



个人层面的社会网络分析,关注 4 个中心性 —— 程度中心性、亲近中心性、居间中心性、特征向量中心性。 网络层面的社会网络分析,关注社群划分 —— 三元组、结构洞。 从静态到动态网络分析,典型例子是 7% 网络传播定律。

Yulianxia commented 6 years ago

Public opinion analysis basic framework

If we understand the analysis of public opinion from the three dimensions of time, space and variable relationship, the following points are worth paying attention to:

Characteristics of time distribution: attention to emergencies and details of possible emergencies; Spatial distribution characteristics: pay attention to people of different levels / different levels of people's views on the same issue; Variable Relationship: Social Network Analysis Background: The world is becoming more and more complex. Simple linear function relationships are not enough to understand the world. Complex variables and relationships based on complex science and graph theory need to be introduced. Use network thinking to look at the complex world - accept a variety of possible outcomes; continue to iteratively cognize; focus on experience; build models of theoretical deduction instead of discovering physical laws. -- Corresponding methodology: social network analysis. The social network analysis at the individual level focuses on four central aspects: degree-centrality, intimacy-centrality, inter-centeredness, and eigenvector centrality. Network-level analysis of social networks, focusing on community demarcation – triples, structural holes. From static to dynamic network analysis, a typical example is the 7% network propagation law.