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儿童在线课程集合 #34

Open Yulianxia opened 4 years ago

Yulianxia commented 4 years ago

国家中小学网络云平台 http://ykt.eduyun.cn/

学而思 https://xueersi.com/s25?switch_grade=25&switch_subject=-1 魔力耳朵 励步AI vipkid 中文

Yulianxia commented 4 years ago


Yulianxia commented 4 years ago


Yulianxia commented 4 years ago

Free Learning Websites for Kids at Home https://www.kiwico.com/kids-at-home 在家为孩子提供免费学习网站

Khan Academy 可汗学院 If you haven’t visited Khan Academy in a while, you’ll be amazed by how much they’ve expanded beyond just math. You can learn grammar, try the Hour of Code, practice ELA (English Language Arts) for grades 2 through 8, and even explore storytelling from Disney’s Imagineering in a Box class.

如果你有一段时间没有参观过可汗学院,你会惊奇地发现他们已经不仅仅是数学了。 你可以学习语法,尝试代码时间,练习2年级到8年级的英语语言艺术,甚至可以通过迪斯尼的盒子幻想课来探索故事。

Khan Academy is good for ages 4–adult. (Try the Khan Kids app for ages 2–7.)


BrainPOP BrainPOP is a favorite with kids, with insightful videos on a huge range of topics (including social studies, English, math, and engineering), with related reading and quizzes to check comprehension. They always offer free sample videos, but right now are offering access for free to families with classes closed due to covid-19.

Brainpop 是孩子们的最爱,它有关于一系列主题(包括社会研究、英语、数学和工程学)的有见地的视频,还有相关的阅读和测验来检查理解力。 他们总是提供免费的视频样品,但是现在他们提供免费的视频给那些因为新型冠状病毒肺炎而停课的家庭。

BrainPOP is good for ages 9-13 and BrainPOP, Jr. for ages 5-8.

Brainpop 适合9-13岁的孩子,BrainPOP,jr. 适合5-8岁的孩子。

PBS 美国公共电视网 You may already be familiar with the games, videos, and activities on the PBS Kids site, but PBS Parents is where it’s at. You can get daily activities and ideas for kids ages 2 through 8, as well as tips for parents on managing learning at home. For older kids, check out PBS LearningMedia for lesson plans and videos curated for teachers.

您可能已经熟悉 PBS 儿童网站上的游戏、视频和活动,但是 PBS 父母就在其中。 你可以得到2到8岁孩子的日常活动和想法,以及给父母管理家庭学习的建议。 对于年龄稍大的孩子,可以查看 PBS LearningMedia 网站上为老师策划的课程计划和视频。

PBS Kids & PBS Parents are good for ages 2-8 and PBS Learning Media for ages 9–adult.

Pbs 儿童和 PBS 父母适合2-8岁的孩子,9岁的孩子适合 PBS 学习媒体。

Scholastic Learn at Home 在家学习 Beloved by teachers everywhere, Scholastic is offering lessons for learning at home tailored by age: pre-K and kinder, grades 1–2, grades 3–5, and grades 6+. With reading and videos to watch, the lessons are easy to work into a day without a lot of parent involvement.

受到各地老师的喜爱,学者出版社根据年龄提供在家学习的课程: 学前班和幼儿班,1-2年级,3-5年级和6 + 年级。 通过阅读和观看视频,这些课程很容易在没有家长参与的情况下进行一天的学习。

Scholastic Learn at Home is good for ages 3–12.


ABC Mouse and Adventure Academy 美国广播公司老鼠与冒险学院 ABC Mouse, for ages 2–8, and Adventure Academy, for ages 8–13, offer a full set of subjects in fun, kid-pleasing game formats. The games or lessons will level with your child, so you don’t need to search for the right one. Both are paid but offer a free month’s trial, and are worth checking out as an option that feels more like a game than like homework.

针对2-8岁儿童的 ABC 鼠标和针对8-13岁儿童的冒险学院提供了一整套有趣的、取悦孩子的游戏形式。 这些游戏或课程将与你的孩子水平,所以你不需要寻找合适的一个。 两者都是付费的,但是都提供一个月的免费试用期,并且值得作为一个选择去看看,感觉更像是一个游戏而不是家庭作业。

ABC Mouse is good for ages 2–8 and Adventure Academy for ages 8-13.

Abc 鼠标适合2-8岁的孩子,冒险学院适合8-13岁的孩子。

Outschool OK, so Outschool isn’t technically free, but with online video classes taught by real teachers as low as $5 a class, it’s worth checking out. Where else can you find lessons on learning the ukulele, playing a Dungeons & Dragons campaign, and discussing Diary of a Wimpy Kid all in the same place? (They’re also running a program for free classes for kids impacted by public school closures, pending enough donation support.)

好吧,从技术上讲,Outschool 并不是免费的,但是由真正的老师教授的在线视频课程每堂只要5美元,值得一试。 在同一个地方,你还能在哪里找到学习尤克里里琴、演奏龙与地下城音乐、讨论逊咖日记音乐的课程? (他们还为那些因公立学校关闭而受到影响的孩子们开设了一个免费课程,等待足够的捐款支持。)

Outschool is good for ages 5–15.


Reading and Social Studies 阅读与社会研究 NEH EDSITEment! Neh EDSITEment The National Endowment for the Humanities has a large collection of lesson plans and teachers guides for K-12 students that cover arts, history, social studies, language arts, and more. Parents will need to dig through to select the appropriate, but with so much to choose from there’s something to interest every kid.

国家人文基金会有大量的课程计划和教师指南,涵盖了艺术,历史,社会研究,语言艺术,等等。 父母需要挖掘选择适当的,但有这么多的选择,有一些东西是每个孩子感兴趣。

NEH EDSITEment! is good for ages 5–18.

Neh EDSITEment 适合5-18岁的孩子。

Storyline 故事情节 Storyline is a non-profit that brings celebrated actors to read illustrated storybooks to kids (kindergarten through grade 3). The performances make these videos fun and engaging for parents as well as kids.

故事情节是一个非营利组织,让著名演员给孩子们读配图故事书(从幼儿园到三年级)。 这些表演使得这些视频变得有趣并且吸引了家长和孩子。

Storyline is good for ages 4–8.


Time for Kids 孩子们的时间 Time for Kids is exactly what it sounds like: Time magazine’s journalism written at a range of reading levels from kindergarten through grade 6. Just choose your child’s level for short nonfiction reading practice.

《时代》杂志的新闻报道涵盖了从幼儿园到六年级的不同阅读水平。 只要选择您的孩子的水平为短篇非小说阅读实践。

Time for Kids is good for ages 5–13.


CNN 10 有线电视新闻网10 CNN 10 is a daily 10-minute broadcast, specially reported for elementary-age kids. It’s great for discussion or writing prompts, or just an easy, educational distraction during lunch prep.

Cnn 10是每天10分钟的广播节目,专门为小学生报道。 对于讨论或写作提示,或者仅仅是一个简单的,有教育意义的午餐准备分散注意力是很好的。

CNN 10 is good for ages 5–13.

Cnn 10频道适合5-13岁的孩子。

Newsela 女名女子名 Newsela is used by many schools for reading and research in social studies across a wide range of topics and from numerous publishers, including PBS, The New York Times, and Scientific American. Parents can register for a free account to gain access to all their content products through the end of the 2020 school year.

Newsela 被许多学校用于社会研究的阅读和研究,涉及广泛的主题,并且来自许多出版商,包括 PBS,纽约时报和科学美国人。 到2020学年结束时,家长可以注册一个免费账户,以获得他们所有内容产品的使用权。

Newsela is good for ages 6–18.


Science, Tech, and Math 科学,技术和数学 Mystery Science 神秘科学 We love the videos and activities from Mystery Science for the way they inspire kids to love science, so we were delighted to learn that they’ve shared a starter list of free lessons for grades K–5, no account needed. You can just watch the lesson for an all-online experience or pair with a home hands-on activity to explore the topic further.

我们喜欢神秘科学的视频和活动,因为它们激发了孩子们对科学的热爱,所以我们很高兴地得知,他们已经分享了一个 k-5年级免费课程的初始列表,不需要任何账户。 你可以通过在线体验来观看课程,也可以通过家庭实践活动来进一步探索这个话题。

Mystery Science is good for ages 4–12.


Code.org Code.org is a fantastic entry into coding, absolutely no experience required. Jump in with the resources on their at-home learning intro page, then pick a game or character your child likes from one of the Hour of Code activities.

是一个非常棒的编码入口,完全不需要任何经验。 在他们的家庭学习介绍页面上加入资源,然后从代码一小时活动中挑选一个你的孩子喜欢的游戏或角色。

Mystery Science is good for ages 5–adult.


American Chemical Society 美国化学学会 In response to school closures, the American Chemical Society (ACS) has released a collection of free online lesson plans for grades K-8. With games, videos, and lesson plans to explore, you’ll find ways to explore chemistry with stuff you already have at home (warning: may get messy!).

作为对学校关闭的回应,美国化学学会(ACS)发布了一系列免费的 K-8年级在线课程计划。 有了游戏、视频和课程计划等待你去探索,你会发现用家里已有的东西来探索化学(警告: 可能会变得一团糟!) .

ACS activities are good for ages 5–13.

Acs 活动对5-13岁的孩子有益。

Prodigy Even math-fearing kids tend to love Prodigy. With a combo of cute little monster and curriculum-aligned lessons for grades 1–8, it’s a solid choice for homeschool math time, and the lessons will adapt to your child’s level.

即使是害怕数学的孩子也倾向于喜欢《神童》。 一个可爱的小怪物和课程的组合1-8年级的课程,这是一个坚实的选择在家学习数学时间,课程将适应你的孩子的水平。

Prodigy is good for ages 6–14.


National Geographic Kids 国家地理杂志儿童版 National Geographic Kids is a hub for tons of content about the natural world, perfect for kids to explore independently.


National Geographic Kids is good for ages 4–12.


Teach Engineering 教授工程学 Teach Engineering is an enormous collection of hands-on STEM activities for kids K-12. Since it’s geared towards teachers, activities will require some parent setup time, but the lesson plans will walk you through everything.

教工程是一个庞大的集合,为孩子的动手 STEM 活动 K-12。 因为它是面向老师的,活动将需要一些父母安排的时间,但课程计划将带领你通过一切。

Teach Engineering is good for ages 5–18.


NASA 美国宇航局 For kids in elementary school, NASA Kids’ Club has games and activities they can engage with independently. For a deeper exploration of space space, check out NASA for Educators to browse STEM resources for K-12.

对于小学生,美国宇航局儿童俱乐部有游戏和活动,他们可以独立参与。 如果你想了解更深层次的太空探索,可以访问 NASA 的教育者网站,浏览从幼儿园到12年级的 STEM 资源。

NASA Kids’ Club is good for ages 5–8 and NASA for Educators for ages 9–18.

Nasa 儿童俱乐部适合5-8岁儿童,NASA 适合9-18岁儿童。

National Museum of Natural History 国家自然历史博物馆 Museums may be closed, but the National Museum of Natural History is always open for virtual tours. The Hall of Fossils is a great place to start.

博物馆可能会关闭,但是国家自然历史博物馆总是对虚拟游客开放。 化石展厅是一个很好的起点。

The National Museum of Natural History is good for all ages.


San Diego Zoo 圣地亚哥动物园 With fantastic pictures and fascinating facts, San Diego Kids lets kids explore the zoo any time. And don’t miss the live animal cams!

圣地亚哥的孩子们有着奇妙的图片和有趣的事实,他们可以让孩子们在任何时候探索动物园。 不要错过活生生的动物摄像头!

The San Diego Zoo is good for ages 4–12.


Brain Breaks 大脑休息 GoNoodle Every kid needs a brain break, and GoNoodle is our favorite go-to to get help the wiggles out. You can use GoNoodle for a 5-minute break between lessons or a full 20-minute dance session — whatever you need that day.

每个孩子都需要休息一下,GoNoodle 是我们最喜欢的帮助摆动大脑的方法。 你可以利用 GoNoodle 在课间休息5分钟,或者进行整整20分钟的舞蹈练习ーー无论你当天需要什么。

GoNoodle is good for ages 3–12.

Gonoodle 适合3-12岁的孩子。

CosmicKids Yoga 儿童瑜伽 Feeling a little stressed? Us too. We could probably all use a little more yoga right now, and CosmicKids Yoga makes it accessible and fun for little ones as well.

感觉有点压力? 我们也是。 我们现在可能都需要多练习一下瑜伽,科兹米克儿童瑜伽让小朋友也能接触到瑜伽,并感受到瑜伽的乐趣。

CosmicKids is good for ages 3–12.


Arts and Creativity 艺术与创意 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 大都会艺术博物馆 The Met (New York City) has loads of exhibits online, but we especially love the #MetKids site, which features kid-friendly videos about creating and enjoying art, as well as a “time machine” that allows kids to search the collection for by time, place, and theme.

大都会博物馆(纽约市)在网上有大量的展品,但我们尤其喜欢 # metkids 网站,它提供关于创造和欣赏艺术的适合儿童的视频,还有一个“时间机器” ,让孩子们可以根据时间、地点和主题搜索藏品。

The Met is good for all ages and #MetKids for ages 6–12.

大都会博物馆适合所有年龄的人,# metkids 适合6-12岁的人。

Louvre 卢浮宫 Try a visit to the Louvre, minus the crowds and the flight to Paris. This collection of selected works is a great place to start, but (as you’d expect), there are countless works to explore. We loved the “Closer Look” collection, which allows viewing of works much closer than possible in person.

你可以去参观卢浮宫,但不要太拥挤,也不要坐飞机去巴黎。 这个精选作品集是一个很好的开始,但(如你所料) ,有无数的作品探索。 我们非常喜欢“近距离观察”系列,它可以让我们更近距离地观看作品。

The Louvre is good for all ages.


Whitney Museum of American Art 惠特尼美术馆 The Whitney features over 25,000 works by contemporary artists to browse through, as well as a Watch & Listen section with artists’ stories, videos of exhibitions, and musical performances.


The Whitney is good for all ages.


Google Arts & Culture Collection 谷歌文化艺术特藏 Explore collections from hundreds of museums around the world. You can jump off to a creative exploration by picking a painting your child likes and prompting them to create a drawing inspired by it.

探索世界各地数百家博物馆的收藏。 你可以选择一幅孩子喜欢的画,然后激励他们创作一幅受其启发的作品,从而进行一次创造性的探索。

Google Arts & Culture is good for all ages.


Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems 午餐涂鸦与莫 · 威利姆斯

Beloved children’s book author and illustrator Mo Willems is sharing this series of Lunch Doodles to inspire kids to pick up a pen and start drawing themselves.

受人喜爱的儿童书籍作者和插画家莫 · 威利姆斯正在分享这一系列的午餐涂鸦,以激发孩子们拿起笔,开始自己画画。

Doodling is for everyone!


CATEGORIES类别 Activities 活动 Activities for Kids 儿童活动 Child Development 儿童发展 Raising Creative Kids 培养有创造力的孩子 STEM 科学、技术、工程和数学 TAGS标签 free websites 免费网站 free websites for kids 儿童免费网站 learning activities at home 家庭学习活动 learning websites 学习网站

Yulianxia commented 4 years ago
