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Free Learning Websites for Kids at Home #35

Open Yulianxia opened 4 years ago

Yulianxia commented 4 years ago


Yulianxia commented 4 years ago

Science, Tech, and Math

Mystery Science age 4-12 https://mysteryscience.com/

Code.org age5-成人 https://code.org/

American Chemical Society ages 5–13 https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/resources/k-8.html 疫情期间,ACS也放出了免费的课程和指导,使得孩子们能在家学习。

Teach Engineering https://www.teachengineering.org/ 重点推荐,为K-12儿童提供了大量动手STEM活动。提供完整细致的教学方案,需要家长和老师参与,但是跟随课程计划就能完成所有操作。

NASA kids club https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/index.html NASA for Educators https://www.nasa.gov/stem/foreducators/k-12/index.html 根据k-12提供的不同教育资源,网页游戏。有一些可以打印的游戏。

National Geography Kids https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ 英文阅读和网页游戏。

National Museum of Natural History https://naturalhistory.si.edu/visit/virtual-tour/current-exhibits 国家自然博物馆目前关门。网上游览可以从化石展览开始 https://naturalhistory2.si.edu/vt3/NMNH/z_tour-024.html

Yulianxia commented 4 years ago


Khan Acadamy age 4-adult https://khanacademy.org/

Khan Acadamy kid APP for age 2-7.

BrainPOP age 9-13 https://www.brainpop.com/ BrainPoP Jr age 5-8 https://jr.brainpop.com/ 在线课程,非真人。疫情隔离期间全部免费

PBS kids age 2-8 https://pbskids.org/

PBS parents age 2-8 https://www.pbs.org/parents/ parents 包括阅读和指导如何在家学习,有许多活动计划和说明。

Scholastic Learn at Home age3-12 https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html 最大的特点是提供教案,只要整理学习,有很多很有启发的学习方案。针对K12全年龄段

ABC Mouse age 2-8 https://www.abcmouse.com/ ABC Adventure Academy age 8-13 https://www.adventureacademy.com/


Outschool https://outschool.com/ 并不免费,但是一堂课5美元起,约好时间可以和真正的老师与其他同学一起上课。每次只付一堂课的钱。英语听说是门槛。虽然说适合5-15岁,但也有3-5岁的课程。


Yulianxia commented 4 years ago



Governments using crises to justify expanding surveillance power is no novel concept, of course. But it’s disconcerting just how fast the current pandemic has inspired nations around the world (at least 30, including the U.S., at last count) to embrace privacy-invading tracking measures in the name of tracing the virus and enforcing social distancing. Some governments require citizens and visitors to download apps when they arrive at points of entry; others have instituted mass cellphone tracking; and still others are using drones to determine if citizens might be infected and to police citizen habits. Google and Apple, two of the world’s largest and most influential corporations, have teamed up to launch a contact-tracing app. In the U.S., the Federal Emergency Management Agency is directing states to share public health data with the secretive big data analytics firm Palantir, blurring lines between which patient data can and should be kept private. 当然,政府利用危机为扩大监控力量辩护并不是什么新奇的概念。 但令人不安的是,当前的流行病如此迅速地促使世界各国(至少包括美国在内的30个国家,最近一次统计)以追踪病毒和加强社会疏远的名义,接受侵犯隐私的跟踪措施。 一些政府要求公民和游客在抵达入境点时下载应用程序; 另一些政府设立了大规模手机追踪; 还有一些政府使用无人机来确定公民是否可能被感染,并监督公民的习惯。 世界上最大、最有影响力的两家公司——谷歌(Google)和苹果(Apple)联手推出了一款联系人追踪应用程序。 在美国,联邦紧急事务管理局正在指示各州与神秘的大数据分析公司 Palantir 分享公共卫生数据,模糊了病人数据可以和应该保密的界限。