njzydark / PS4RPS

Remote pkg sender or installer for PS4
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Feature: Make interface selectable in local Static File Server (Electron) mode #11

Closed LBRDan closed 2 years ago

LBRDan commented 2 years ago

Hello there Thanks a lot for your work!

I'm here just to drop a feature that I find kinda useful in my laptop network config

As NodeJS networkInterfaces (and the subsequent Object.values(networkInterfaces())) enumerates the available interfaces, It is possible that the order in which the latter are returned may vary (eg. When disconnecting the integrated Wifi card and then plugging an external ethernet dongle adapter, or even the simple desire to route bind the server via a more suitable adapter (cable FTW))

This PR implements both the choice inside FileServerFormModal, in a non-breaking way (At least, I tried to make it so) (It's non mandatory defaulting as it was (first interface found))

Schermata 2022-04-10 alle 19 36 06

and the display for the "current" used adapter (IP) inside the ConfigCard component

Schermata 2022-04-10 alle 19 34 44

Thanks again!

njzydark commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the pr, I will finish the code review as soon as possible and merge it to the master branch before the next release

LBRDan commented 2 years ago

Hi @njzydark, any update about this PR? Is there something wrong?

njzydark commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry, it did take a long time, this pr no problem, I first merge, the follow-up I should be slightly modified, the current creation page if the first in the list of interfaces as the default selected should be more convenient to use

Again, I apologize for the delay.