nk25719 / PMD___aka-KiCad-esp32-6leds-2switches-1pj-circuit-

In this repo I am practicing KICAD. Created an ESP32 DevKit V1 module and a PCB footprint. I designed a circuit around this ESP32 consisting of six lamps, four switches, and two power jacks and added a voltage regulater to Vin to maintain a supply of +5V. (This project was originally made of two switches and 1 power jack and was named homeWork2.)
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Project management Feature #21

Closed nk25719 closed 1 month ago

nk25719 commented 6 months ago

Add a hirarchy, dependancies to issues, in the roadmap tab, in the 'First PCBA Launch' Project.

nk25719 commented 5 months ago

Not able to add dependancies in theroadmap tab.

nk25719 commented 1 month ago

A hirarchy will guide us to know which issue to start working with,


In the projects tab, we have the option to view the project in a way that allow us to add a roadmap (gantt chart).
