nkallen / cache-money

A Write-Through Cacheing Library for ActiveRecord
Apache License 2.0
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ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError #15

Open rjaswal opened 14 years ago

rjaswal commented 14 years ago

Hi, i'm running passenger with nginx, i get ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError in random areas of the code. It works fine with its running with mongrel. And i don't get the error when cache money is shut off.

mhorbul commented 14 years ago

I have similar issue. But it's not only ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError. It might be "undefined method" and other errors... I have rails 2.3.4 app running on nginx-0.7.62 with passenger 2.2.9.

gdagley commented 14 years ago

I am seeing a similar thing. If I do something like User.find(1) that has a nil attribute, that attribute does not show up on the object returned. If I try User.first, that same nil attribute shows up in the object returned. The difference appears to be whether the object was retrieved from the cache or directly from the database. Does this help?