nkarve / surge

A fast bitboard-based chess move generator in C++
MIT License
59 stars 15 forks source link

Need some help compiling this. #13

Open R0b4 opened 2 years ago

R0b4 commented 2 years ago

This could just be a me problem, but I'm having a hard time compiling this. I'm using gcc. I first started by trying just trying to compile chess_engine.cpp, but that did not work. It gave me a bunch of undefined references.

After that i tried to compile the cpp files into object files and linking them together, but than i still got multiple undefined references and also a few multiple definitions.

May I ask what you do to compile and use this project?

osvitashev commented 2 years ago

What IDE are you using? I had no issues importing the files into a Visual Studio project.

nkarve commented 2 years ago

GCC also works fine for me: make sure all the files are in in one folder (as they are on cloning this repo) and perform g++ -O3 -o output .\main.cpp .\position.cpp .\tables.cpp .\types.cpp; ./output What is the exact command you are using?