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Azure Front Door #9

Open MrHinsh opened 1 week ago

MrHinsh commented 1 week ago

Yes, you can use Azure Front Door to serve multiple static websites under the same domain but at different paths. Azure Front Door allows you to route traffic to different backends based on path-based routing rules.

Here’s how you can achieve this:

Steps to Set Up Path-Based Routing with Azure Front Door:

  1. Create Multiple Static Web Apps:

    • Deploy each of your static websites (e.g., hosted on Azure Storage or Azure Static Web Apps) that you want to mount under different paths.
  2. Set Up an Azure Front Door Instance:

    • In the Azure portal, create a new Front Door instance.
    • Add the frontend domain where you want to serve your static websites (e.g., example.com).
  3. Configure Backend Pools:

    • For each static website, create a Backend Pool in Front Door.
    • Each backend pool will point to a different static website's endpoint (e.g., different Azure Storage accounts or Azure Static Web Apps).
  4. Create Routing Rules:

    • For each backend pool, set up a Routing Rule with path-based routing. For example:
      • Website A mounted at https://example.com/siteA/:
      • Define the rule: /* routes to the backend for Website A.
      • Website B mounted at https://example.com/siteB/:
      • Define the rule: /siteB/* routes to the backend for Website B.
    • Ensure that you map each path to the corresponding backend.
  5. Path-Based Routing Configuration:

    • In the Front Door Routing Rules, specify the path patterns. For example:
      • Path / for the main website.
      • Path /siteA/* for another static website.
      • Path /siteB/* for a third static website.
    • These rules direct the traffic for each specific path to its respective static website backend.
  6. Custom Domains (Optional):

    • If needed, you can configure custom domains on Azure Front Door and map the paths under a custom domain (e.g., https://www.example.com).
  7. Cache Settings:

    • Optionally, you can configure caching rules to optimize performance for static assets across these sites using Azure Front Door's caching features.

Example Setup:

Let’s assume you have three static websites and want to serve them as follows:


  1. Create backend pools:

    • Backend pool 1: Points to Static Site A.
    • Backend pool 2: Points to Static Site B.
    • Backend pool 3: Points to Static Site C.
  2. Define routing rules:

    • Rule 1: Route / to Backend pool 1.
    • Rule 2: Route /siteB/* to Backend pool 2.
    • Rule 3: Route /siteC/* to Backend pool 3.



Let me know if you need further details or guidance on configuring this in Azure Front Door!