nkeck720 / nos

A command-line based OS written in FASM syntax for i386 and above.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Type does not work #42

Closed nkeck720 closed 7 years ago

nkeck720 commented 7 years ago

The type command does not work, it immediately dumps you back into the command line with no prompt. It does not break the system so it seems, but could be doing something I am not catching.

nkeck720 commented 7 years ago

It would appear that type is getting the carry flag back here for reasons that I don't know. I will have to step into the routine here to see what is going on.

    ; Pointing at the space. Load up the file after the space
    inc bx
    push ds
    push dx
    push es
    pop ds
    mov dx, bx
    ; Use the program extra to load up to
    mov bx, 6000h
    mov es, bx
    mov bx, 0000h
    mov ah, 02h
    int 21h
    jc  type_error
    push ds
    pop es
    pop dx
    pop ds
nkeck720 commented 7 years ago

As it turns out the type command was producing stack overflows after several attempts. cleaned this up in commit 5e72ea0.