nkh / P5-App-Asciio

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Software exits abnormally #179

Open qindapao opened 7 months ago

qindapao commented 7 months ago

@nkh Today I discovered that the exit mechanism of the software is a bit abnormal.


I clicked the Continue Editing button, but the software still quit and all my work was lost.

In addition, I have a suggestion. That is, can we display a mark on the title bar of the file indicating whether the current file has been modified? For example, a plus sign, like a normal text editor.


The title is displayed in the file name (file directory) - asciio format

nkh commented 7 months ago


If I press 'cancel' then it continues editing so you'll need to do some debugging.

the code is in script/asciio in sub delete_event

For the "+" I think it's a good idea but here too I can't help because my windows don't have a title bar.

but what's needed is to add the following function to App::Asciio::Gtk

sub set_modified_state
my ($self, $state) = @_ ;
$SUPER->set_modify $state ; 

# if state is modified then reflect that on the title bar


sub set_title
my ($self, $title) = @_;

$self->SUPER::set_title($title) ; # this title must NOT have the '+'

if(defined $title)
    # this one can have the '+' but only when modified
    $self->{widget}->get_toplevel()->set_title($title . ' - asciio') ;

qindapao commented 7 months ago

@nkh If you think it's ok, I can realize it at the weekend and fix this exception.

nkh commented 7 months ago

@qindapao I put some information of where things need to be fixed above. You're better placed to fix the errors since I don't have the right environment. Let me know when you have a branch I can look into.

qindapao commented 7 months ago

@nkh okay

qindapao commented 6 months ago



I used the asterisk after the file changed, not the plus sign.


qindapao commented 6 months ago

@nkh One of the codes I modified was commented by you in a commit, and I don't know the background and reason. Please check it carefully.