nkilm / riddles-api

An API which returns a riddle each time a call is made.
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Here are some more riddles #5

Closed IslandRhythms closed 3 months ago

IslandRhythms commented 3 months ago
  1. What has a head and a tail, but no body? Answer: A coin

  2. What has an eye but cannot see? Answer: A needle

  3. What can you catch but not throw? Answer: A cold

  4. I offer protection, my touch can make you safe, I have no eyes, yet I watch your every step. What am I? (Armor)

  5. I am the power of a whisper, and the fury of a shout. I can be noble or cruel, I control the tide of battle. What am I? (Spells)

  6. I am the fiercest of predators, I bring fear and dread. I am the hunter, and the hunted. What am I? (Dragon)

  7. What kind of room has no doors or windows? Answer: A mushroom

  8. What has a tongue but cannot talk? Answer: A shoe

  9. I am the lifeblood of a city, the source of its growth and power. I can bring glory and despair. What am I? (Gold)

  10. What has a bed but never sleeps? Answer: A river

  11. What has a mouth but never eats? Answer: A river

  12. What is a cleric's greatest weapon? Answer: Faith

  13. What always runs but never walks? Answer: A river

  14. I am the keeper of secrets, I know all that has passed. I am the bridge between the past and the present. What am I? (Lore)

  15. I am a symbol of power, I bring knowledge and courage. I am a sign of hope in dark times. What am I? (Banner)

  16. What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right? Answer: Your elbow

  17. What can you never eat for breakfast? Dinner

  18. What has a face but no eyes? Answer: A clock

  19. What gets wetter the more it dries? Answer: A towel

  20. What has hands but can't clap? Answer: A clock

  21. I am the guardian of knowledge, I bring understanding to all who seek me. I am the keeper of secrets. What am I? (Librarian)

  22. What has a mouth but never speaks? Answer: A cave

  23. What starts with T, ends with T and has T in it? A teapot

  24. What can you see but not touch? Answer: The stars

  25. What has a head but never weeps? Answer: A pillow

  26. What has a bank but no money? Answer: A river

  27. What has a spine but no bones? Answer: A book

  28. What has four fingers and a thumb, but is not alive? A glove

  29. What would you find in the middle of nowhere? Nothing

  30. What can you put in a bucket to make it lighter? Answer: A hole

  31. What has a head but never dies? Answer: A coin

  32. What starts with an E, ends with an E and only has one letter in it? An envelope

  33. What has a heart but no other organs? Answer: A deck of cards

  34. I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; What am I? A fire

  35. What can be heard but not seen? An echo

  36. What is something that can be made, broken, and accepted? (a deal)

  37. What can you hold without touching it? A conversation

  38. I can go up and down without moving. What am I? (A staircase)

  39. I'm a source of protection, but I'm not a shield. What am I? (A charm)

  40. What type of creature has one voice but two feet? (Bird)

  41. What follows you everywhere you go but is never seen? A: A shadow.

  42. What invention lets you look right through a wall? (window)

  43. What comes down but never goes up? Answer: Rain

  44. What has a neck but no head? Answer: A bottle

  45. What has a face but no eyes? Answer: A clock

  46. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it? (silence)

  47. What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it? (promise)

  48. I can be seen in the sky, but never touched. I can create life, but never hold it. I am the source of all power, but never wield it. What am I? (The Sun)

  49. What has a soul but cannot be resurrected? Answer: A shoe

  50. What is found in the depths of the earth, yet reaches towards the sky? (a tree)

“I’m the key to success but sometimes I’m mistaken for. I come when you face obstacles and push you to work harder. What am I?” “Resilience”.

“I can be sharp and piercing, yet I help you find your way. When faced with darkness and uncertainty, I guide you every day. What am I?” “knowledge”.

“My children are everywhere and yet nowhere at all. They come and go with the wind, and offer life's greatest gifts, but can never be held in your hands. What am I?”. “Ideas”.

“I am a powerful force, yet invisible to the eye. I can bring people together or tear them apart, oh my! What am I?”. “emotion”.

nkilm commented 3 months ago

Amazing, you can open a PR to add these to the existing list of riddles.

All riddles are present in this .json file, feel free to add more to the list🍻 https://github.com/nkilm/riddles-api/blob/main/data/riddles.json