nkitanov / iaq_board

IAQ Board is a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) device for measuring internal air quality
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Firmware not compatible with Home Assistant ESPHome addon #4

Closed Dinth closed 3 years ago

Dinth commented 3 years ago

Hi. Could you please provide a config file which would be compatible with ESPHome docker image (HA addon)? Right now it requires: brightness.yaml include to be pasted to the main config and also is missing fonts, which im not sure how to overcome.

mikenabhan commented 3 years ago

Brightness.yaml is linked in the firmware folder.


The fonts folder is also included.


If you download the firmware folder so the paths match, the firmware will compile.

adebree commented 3 years ago

For iaq_board.yaml to compile in the ESPHome HA Addon I had to also add a couple dependencies to the yaml:

      - NeoPixelBus@2.6.0
      - ArduinoJson-esphomelib@5.13.3
      - AsyncTCP-esphome@1.1.1
      - ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome@1.2.7

(The NeoPixelBus was already defined as a dep)

Dinth commented 3 years ago

For iaq_board.yaml to compile in the ESPHome HA Addon I had to also add a couple dependencies to the yaml:

Thanks. Im still not sure, how i can deal with fonts, HA addon doesnt allow to upload any external dependencies like fonts

adebree commented 3 years ago

You need to manually upload the font and the brightness.yaml into the config directory of the addon. It depends a lot on how you actually are running home-assistant. But you can either SSH into HA or use a addon like Samba to get filesystem access to it. For me that config directory is actually called esphome and lives within my Home Assistant data dir. The config files contains the yaml files you have created via the web interface of the ESPHome addon.

In that same dir (so next to where you have iaq_board.yaml and all the other ESPHome device configs) you create a fonts dir and upload the Arials.ttf file. And you create an includes dir where you put the brightness.yaml file in.

After adding the earlier mentioned additional dependencies you should be able to compile and manage the device.

Dinth commented 3 years ago

Thank you!