nkoehler / mat-video

:tv: mat-video is an Angular 8/9+ video player using Material!
MIT License
91 stars 47 forks source link

mat-video 2.7.0 seems badly delivered #23

Closed thibserot closed 5 years ago

thibserot commented 5 years ago


After upgrading to 2.7.0 from 2.6.0 my project isn't compiling anymore. I tried to remove the node_modules folder and run a fresh npm install without success. If I revert back to 2.6.0 it starts fine This was the only modification since my last start.

+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -6336,9 +6336,9 @@
     "mat-video": {
-      "version": "2.6.0",
-      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/mat-video/-/mat-video-2.6.0.tgz",
-      "integrity": "sha512-iAx7NjAfzsfCOp5e3rUeltrzyUQWIJC7q4za3d5Vs7rrbOo/5d3OcYUc5gzqUXsp0+aWunKpBUnHrvvaHHNWkw==",
+      "version": "2.7.0",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/mat-video/-/mat-video-2.7.0.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-Z95zB8ANN/HMyEgCn9+U083ohK3mVsF5h3GOcIyQlYZciq1AZqEfI2mAP6s0ZSKmhsI7hsHgZeJx/lG/0YX8Ig==",
       "requires": {
         "tslib": "^1.9.0"
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 2a3a555..96c62cd 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     "@swimlane/ngx-charts": "^11.1.0",
     "core-js": "^2.5.4",
     "hammerjs": "^2.0.8",
-    "mat-video": "^2.6.0",
+    "mat-video": "^2.7.0",
     "ngx-cookie": "^4.1.2",
     "ngx-uploader": "^7.1.0",
     "rxjs": "~6.3.3",

When running ng serve, I get the following error:

ng serve
** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ **

Date: 2019-06-02T15:09:32.567Z
Hash: a1500ba70e0080194789
Time: 6998ms
chunk {es2015-polyfills} es2015-polyfills.js, es2015-polyfills.js.map (es2015-polyfills) 284 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {main} main.js, main.js.map (main) 1.86 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {polyfills} polyfills.js, polyfills.js.map (polyfills) 93.1 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {runtime} runtime.js, runtime.js.map (runtime) 6.08 kB [entry] [rendered]
chunk {styles} styles.js, styles.js.map (styles) 179 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {vendor} vendor.js, vendor.js.map (vendor) 327 kB [initial] [rendered]

ERROR in No NgModule metadata found for 'AppModule'.

I then tried to modify the app.module.ts by adding a new empty line at the end, and the recompilation triggers:

ERROR in node_modules/mat-video/app/video/ui/mat-fullscreen-button/mat-fullscreen-button.component.d.ts(2,30): error TS2307: Cannot find module '../../services/event.service'.
node_modules/mat-video/app/video/ui/mat-fullscreen-button/mat-fullscreen-button.component.d.ts(3,35): error TS2307: Cannot find module '../../services/fullscreen.service'.
node_modules/mat-video/app/video/ui/mat-play-button/mat-play-button.component.d.ts(2,30): error TS2307: Cannot find module '../../services/event.service'.
node_modules/mat-video/app/video/ui/mat-seek-progress-control/mat-seek-progress-control.component.d.ts(3,30): error TS2307: Cannot find module '../../services/event.service'.
node_modules/mat-video/app/video/ui/mat-video-spinner/mat-video-spinner.component.d.ts(2,30): error TS2307: Cannot find module '../../services/event.service'.
node_modules/mat-video/app/video/ui/mat-volume-control/mat-volume-control.component.d.ts(3,30): error TS2307: Cannot find module '../../services/event.service'.
node_modules/mat-video/app/video/video.component.d.ts(3,30): error TS2307: Cannot find module './services/event.service'.
node_modules/mat-video/mat-video.d.ts(5,47): error TS2307: Cannot find module './app/video/directives/mat-video-source.directive'.
node_modules/mat-video/mat-video.d.ts(6,46): error TS2307: Cannot find module './app/video/directives/mat-video-track.directive'.
node_modules/mat-video/mat-video.d.ts(9,36): error TS2307: Cannot find module './app/video/services/event.service'.
node_modules/mat-video/mat-video.d.ts(10,41): error TS2307: Cannot find module './app/video/services/fullscreen.service'.

My guess is that the new mat-video module wasn't properly delivered / delivered with the sample app and the default app.module.ts causing havroc in my project

What is the current behavior?

Can't start application in local anymore

What is the expected behavior?

Application starts....

Which versions of Angular, Material, OS, TypeScript, browsers are affected?

 "dependencies": {
    "@angular/animations": "^7.2.7",
    "@angular/cdk": "^7.3.3",
    "@angular/common": "~7.2.0",
    "@angular/compiler": "~7.2.0",
    "@angular/core": "~7.2.0",
    "@angular/flex-layout": "^7.0.0-beta.23",
    "@angular/forms": "~7.2.0",
    "@angular/material": "^7.3.3",
    "@angular/platform-browser": "~7.2.0",
    "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "~7.2.0",
    "@angular/router": "~7.2.0",
    "@nguniversal/express-engine": "^7.1.0",
    "@swimlane/ngx-charts": "^11.1.0",
    "core-js": "^2.5.4",
    "hammerjs": "^2.0.8",
    "mat-video": "^2.7.0",
    "ngx-cookie": "^4.1.2",
    "ngx-uploader": "^7.1.0",
    "rxjs": "~6.3.3",
    "tslib": "^1.9.0",
    "zone.js": "~0.8.26"
"devDependencies": {
    "@angular-devkit/build-angular": "~0.13.0",
    "@angular/cli": "~7.3.3",
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "~7.2.0",
    "@angular/language-service": "~7.2.0",
    "@types/node": "~8.9.4",
    "@types/jasmine": "~2.8.8",
    "@types/jasminewd2": "~2.0.3",
    "codelyzer": "~4.5.0",
    "jasmine-core": "~2.99.1",
    "jasmine-spec-reporter": "~4.2.1",
    "karma": "~4.0.0",
    "karma-chrome-launcher": "~2.2.0",
    "karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter": "~2.0.1",
    "karma-jasmine": "~1.1.2",
    "karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "^0.2.2",
    "protractor": "~5.4.0",
    "ts-node": "~7.0.0",
    "tslint": "~5.11.0",
    "typescript": "~3.2.2"
nkoehler commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the bug. I am currently investigating the issue.

thibserot commented 5 years ago

I don't know how you deliver for all versions of angular at once but it seems the new option static:false that you add in the viewchild isn't supported in angular 7... Maybe that could be a start of explanation?

vitludwig commented 5 years ago

same problem here, few directories (f.e. app/video/directives) are missing in release, after switching back to 2.6.0 everything works great

nkoehler commented 5 years ago

Thank you all for your patience and tips. Package 2.7.1 has been released on npm which should fix the issue. Closing.