nkoehler / mat-video

:tv: mat-video is an Angular 8/9+ video player using Material!
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Progressbar stucks #53

Open mikegondan opened 4 years ago

mikegondan commented 4 years ago


Bug, feature request, or proposal:


What is the current behavior?

When you click on progressbar (or grab it), it stucks on grabbing and can't click anymore.

What is the expected behavior?

What are the steps to reproduce?

Click or grab the progressbar then try to click or grab.

What is the use-case or motivation for changing an existing behavior?

Which versions of Angular, Material, OS, TypeScript, browsers are affected?

Angular 9

Is there anything else I should know?

peavers commented 4 years ago

Also experiencing this.

nkoehler commented 4 years ago

Stuck as in won't move or how? More details if possible, browsers, and a stackblitz will help.

MartinMikac commented 4 years ago

Stuck as in won't move or how? More details if possible, browsers, and a stackblitz will help.

I cant move to other part of movie. for example, in the middle of a movie. On hover of red dot of actual position on movie, icon has been changed to hand. But is not possible to move this "red dot" to any other side ( forward or backward)

My movie has size about 1GB and 8 minutes. Format .mp4. Same results is with format .mov. Codec H264.

GKaszewski commented 4 years ago

Also experiencing this problem

miguelleitevieira commented 4 years ago

ERROR in (1,1): Directive ɵd, Property '_onSlide' does not exist on type 'MatSli derProgressBarComponent'. (1,1): Directive ɵd, Property '_onSlideEnd' does not exist on type 'MatSliderPro gressBarComponent'. (1,1): Directive ɵd, Property '_onSlideStart' does not exist on type 'MatSliderP rogressBarComponent'. node_modules/mat-video/mat-video.d.ts.ɵm.html(1,1): Directive ɵd, Property '_onS lide' does not exist on type 'MatSliderProgressBarComponent'. node_modules/mat-video/mat-video.d.ts.ɵm.html(1,1): Directive ɵd, Property '_onS lideEnd' does not exist on type 'MatSliderProgressBarComponent'. node_modules/mat-video/mat-video.d.ts.ɵm.html(1,1): Directive ɵd, Property '_onS lideStart' does not exist on type 'MatSliderProgressBarComponent'.

I'm getting this strange error. Someone know how to fix?

gabrielvendrame commented 4 years ago

Same problem, also source tag inside mat-source seems not to work.

Not even fetching the video

<mat-video title="Video" [autoplay]="true" [preload]="true" [fullscreen]="true"[download]="false" color="accent" spinner="spin">
    <source matVideoSource src="http://localhost:3000/api/video" type="video/mp4">

Video properly loading ( progressbar still not working)

<mat-video src="http://localhost:3000/api/video" title="Video" [autoplay]="true" [preload]="true" [fullscreen]="true" [download]="false" color="accent" spinner="spin">
mazard commented 4 years ago

Same problem here: ERROR in (1,1): Directive ɵd, Property '_onSlide' does not exist on type 'MatSliderProgressBarComponent'. (1,1): Directive ɵd, Property '_onSlideEnd' does not exist on type 'MatSliderProgressBarComponent'. (1,1): Directive ɵd, Property '_onSlideStart' does not exist on type 'MatSliderProgressBarComponent'.

Due to this error I'm not able to build SSR.

chsculpt commented 4 years ago

I'm also seeing problems with the Progress Bar: 1 it doesn't, there is a gripper hand but clicking on the bar does nothing, and you can't slide the position either. 2) it doesn't fill 100% of the video frame

chsculpt commented 4 years ago

Also seeing Same problem as reported by gabrielvendrame, also source tag inside mat-source seems not to work.

cryystyy commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue.

ricardotorre commented 4 years ago

same here too, angular 9

ricardotorre commented 4 years ago


i have created this where the problem reproduces, first click/drag works but then doesn't appear to release (running on Chrome Version 83.0.4103.106 (Official Build) (64-bit))

aponski commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem unfortunately (Angular 9). I guess I have to look for other player :(

atgnatus commented 4 years ago

I fixed this by removing the constructor in internal/mat-slider-progress-bar/mat-slider-progress-bar.component.ts.

Now the progress / seek bar works fine in Angular 10.

I also removed the host in the component decorator since it was pointing to slider.ts methods that do not exist anymore but this step was not necessary.

yukwar commented 4 years ago

What did you removed from the constructor?

    elementRef: ElementRef,
    focusMonitor: FocusMonitor,
    changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
    @Optional() dir: Directionality,
    @Attribute("tabindex") tabIndex: string
  ) {
    super(elementRef, focusMonitor, changeDetectorRef, dir, tabIndex);
    this.tabIndex = parseInt(tabIndex, 10) || 0;
ricardotorre commented 4 years ago

The whole constructor is redundant and can be removed, the problem happens due to a new constructor signature in Angular 9 and 10

saeed-abdul-rahim commented 4 years ago

I've tried removing it from esm2015/internal/mat-slider-progress-bar/mat-slider-progress-bar.component.ts. This isn't working for me. Result is the same Angular 9