nkolban / esp32-snippets

Sample ESP32 snippets and code fragments
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ESP32 BT-HID Device #230

Open gitmh opened 6 years ago

gitmh commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to use the ESP32_BLE_Arduino library to build a HID-Keyboard to send keystrokes to another device? My goal: I would like to connect a ESP32 board to a BT device like an iPad and send a space character. I found https://github.com/asterics/esp32_mouse_keyboard but can't figure out how to this running in Arduino IDE. Any help would be appreciated - I found a lot of users asking for a similar feature for the ESP32.

nkolban commented 6 years ago

I'm afraid there is nothing yet in the BLE C++ classes that would make your request possible. Maybe a question posted to one of the forums here might give some positive results:


It is my loose understanding that HID support is based on Bluetooth classic (BR/EDR) as opposed to BLE and, so far, these classes only cover BLE functions.

gitmh commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much @nkolban. I already found a project for esp-idf for HID and BT but I was hoping for an example for the arduino IDE. I have no experience with IDF and the tool chain and how to integrate those stuff with arduino. Maybe this will come in the future.

nkolban commented 6 years ago

Do you have a link to the HID and BT project that uses ESP-IDF? I'd like to file that and have a look to see what it would take to eventually encapsulate that in the C++ libraries. That would be the first step towards an Arduino encapsulation.

gitmh commented 6 years ago

The most complete and supported solution seems to be the BTStack port for the esp32 for IDF here https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack/tree/master/port/esp32 within this library there are various examples for HID devices and other BT applications.

nkolban commented 6 years ago

OOOh thats cool. But scary as well. If I get a sense of that story, it is a replacement for the Bluetooth stack supplied by Espressif (which I believe is based on Bluedroid stack implementation).

gitmh commented 6 years ago

Yes so this might be a problem to have both stacks available at the same time in an Arduino library. The example under https://github.com/asterics/esp32_mouse_keyboard uses the bt.h from the regular Espressif library so (see ble_hidd_demo_main.c).

chegewara commented 6 years ago

New day, new lessons: hid

My esp32 just become HID keyboard. ANd now its HID mouse: mouse

Of course its not real keyboard and mouse, but my windows 10 is stupid and thinks it is ;)

gitmh commented 6 years ago

@chegewara Have you build an Arduino project for that already? I would be interested :-) Sending a keyboard key to any BT device like an iPAD would be a great use case for the ESP32.

chegewara commented 6 years ago

Oh no, just fooled my laptop by setting appearance(). The rest of code has nothing to do with hid keyboard. But i may do some research and see if this is hard to do.

chegewara commented 6 years ago

I have some good news and some bad news. Good news that work is in progress. Bad news is driver crash under windows with error code 0x0a(device cant start). I can say for sure what is the reason, but its a chance that hid keybord requires secure connection and we dont have implemented it yet.

My next step will be to rewrite code in esp-idf and see what happen and maybe add some security there.

EDIT more good news, my samsung s4 connects to esp32 hid keyboard, so now i have to find way to send some text

chegewara commented 6 years ago

I have good news. Esp32 hid keyboard is connecting with my android phone and i can send text. This mean hid keyboard works, at least software part. Still is some work to do but we know it can be done.

gitmh commented 6 years ago

@chegewara great work, would you share your current project to play around with it? I just need a running starting point for the Arduino IDE :-)

chegewara commented 6 years ago

Im not sure yet, i will provide code or share links ive been using during research. Im thinking about writing blog article about this. For now maybe this will help you a bit: https://github.com/I0x0I/DIY-A-BLE-Keyboard


chegewara commented 6 years ago

This is very important documentation if you want to play with HID devices. Appendix E gives some good look at what descriptors are required to setup hid device: http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage/HID1_11.pdf

chegewara commented 6 years ago

Services and characteristics:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<service uuid="1800">
<description>Generic Access Profile</description>
<characteristic uuid="2a00">
<properties read="true" const="true"/>
<value>BGT Keyboard Demo</value>
<characteristic uuid="2a01">
<properties read="true" const="true"/>
<value type="hex">c103</value>
<service type="primary" uuid="180A" id="manufacturer">
<characteristic uuid="2A29">
<properties read="true" const="true"/>
<characteristic uuid="2A50">
<!--  PnP ID required by HID Profile  -->
<properties read="true" const="true"/>
<value type="hex">014700ffffffff</value>
<service uuid="180f">
<characteristic uuid="2a19" id="xgatt_battery">
<properties read="true"/>
<value type="hex">32</value>
<service uuid="1812" advertise="true">
<characteristic uuid="2a4d" id="hid_keyboard_in">
<!--  Keyboard input report  -->
<properties notify="true" read="true"/>
<value length="20" variable_length="true"/>
<descriptor uuid="2908">
<!--  Report reference id=0x00 type=0x01 (input)  -->
<properties read="true" const="true"/>
<value type="hex">0001</value>
<characteristic uuid="2a4d" id="hid_keyboard_out">
<!--  Keyboard output report  -->
<properties write="true" write_no_response="true" read="true"/>
<value length="20" variable_length="true"/>
<descriptor uuid="2908">
<!--  Report reference id=0x00 type=0x02 (output)  -->
<properties read="true" const="true"/>
<value type="hex">0002</value>
<characteristic uuid="2a4d" id="hid_keyboard_feature">
<!--  Keyboard feature report  -->
<properties write="true" read="true"/>
<value length="20" variable_length="true"/>
<descriptor uuid="2908">
<!--  Report reference id=0x00 type=0x03 (feature)  -->
<properties read="true" const="true"/>
<value type="hex">0003</value>
<characteristic uuid="2a4b">
<!--  Report map example from USB HID Specification  -->
<properties read="true" authenticated_read="true" const="true"/>
<value type="hex">
<characteristic uuid="2a4a">
 HID Information version=0x0100 countrycode=0x00 flags=0x02 (normally connectable) 
<properties read="true" const="true"/>
<value type="hex">00010002</value>
<characteristic uuid="2a4c" id="hid_control">
<!--  HID Control point, used to control suspending  -->
<properties write_no_response="true"/>
<value length="1"/>
<characteristic uuid="2a22" id="hid_boot_keyboard_in">
<!--  Boot Keyboard input report  -->
<properties notify="true" read="true"/>
<value length="20" variable_length="true"/>
<characteristic uuid="2a32" id="hid_boot_keyboard_out">
<!--  Boot Keyboard output report  -->
<properties write_no_response="true" read="true" write="true"/>
<value length="20" variable_length="true"/>
<characteristic uuid="2a4e" id="hid_protocol_mode">
<!--  Protocol mode select  -->
<properties write_no_response="true" read="true"/>
<value length="1"/>
gitmh commented 6 years ago

@chegewara I managed to run the BlueKitchen ESP32 Port for ESP-IDF (https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack/blob/master/example/hid_keyboard_demo.c) it runs on my ESP32 board and sends continuously text messages to may mac book and to my android phone as soon as you pair them. The whole setup for the ESP-IDF and libraries is quite complicated so I cannot use this process for teaching. This is why I was looking for a nice wrapper for the Arduino IDE so that you can fire up a example project, hit flash and project runs :-)

chegewara commented 6 years ago

Can you wait few days, im still working on arduino code. At the moment im just sending random letter but i still missing one thing. My code requires that notifications to be turned on on client side (my android phone). At the moment only way to achieve this is to open nRF connect, connect to esp32 hid and turn on notifications.

chegewara commented 6 years ago

This is what i did so far. There is still a lot to do but it should send random character in loop:

#include <BLEDevice.h>
#include <BLEUtils.h>
#include <BLEServer.h>
#include <BLE2902.h>
#include <string>

// See the following for generating UUIDs:
// https://www.uuidgenerator.net/

bool connected = false;
  BLEService *pService;
  BLEService *pService1;
  BLECharacteristic *reportChar1;
  BLECharacteristic *reportChar2;
  BLECharacteristic *reportChar3;
  class MyCallbacks : public BLEServerCallbacks {
    void onConnect(BLEServer* pServer){

    void onDisconnect(BLEServer* pServer){

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Starting BLE work!");

  BLEServer *pServer = BLEDevice::createServer();
  pServer->setCallbacks(new MyCallbacks());
  pService = pServer->createService((uint16_t)0x180a);
  pService1 = pServer->createService((uint16_t)0x1812, 30);

  BLEAdvertising *pAdvertising = pServer->getAdvertising();

  Serial.println("Characteristic defined! Now you can read it in your phone!");
uint8_t v[] = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0};

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    uint8_t a[] = {0x0, 0x0, random(0x04,0x26), 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0};

    reportChar1->setValue(v, sizeof(v));

void setupCharacteristics() {

  BLECharacteristic *manufacturer = pService->createCharacteristic(
  std::string name = "espressif";

  BLECharacteristic *pnpIDChar = pService->createCharacteristic(
  const uint8_t pnp[] = {0x01,0xe5,0x02,0xcd,0xab,0x01,0x00};
  pnpIDChar->setValue((uint8_t*)pnp, sizeof(pnp));

  BLECharacteristic *hidInfoChar = pService1->createCharacteristic(
  const uint8_t val1[] = {0x00,0x01,0x00,0x02};
  hidInfoChar->setValue((uint8_t*)val1, 4);

  BLECharacteristic *reportMapChar = pService1->createCharacteristic(
  const uint8_t val2[] = {
    0x19,0x00,0x29,0x65,0x81,0x00,0xC0}; //TODO
  reportMapChar->setValue((uint8_t*)val2, sizeof(val2));

  BLECharacteristic *hidControlChar = pService1->createCharacteristic(

  reportChar1 = pService1->createCharacteristic(
                                       BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ   |
  BLEDescriptor *desc1 = new BLEDescriptor(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2908));
  const uint8_t desc1_val[] = {0x01, 0};
  desc1->setValue((uint8_t*)desc1_val, 1);
  reportChar1->addDescriptor(new BLE2902());

  reportChar2 = pService1->createCharacteristic(
                                       BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ   |
  BLEDescriptor *desc2 = new BLEDescriptor(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2908));
  const uint8_t desc2_val[] = {0x02, 0};
  desc2->setValue((uint8_t*)desc2_val, 1);

  reportChar3 = pService1->createCharacteristic(
                                       BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ     |
                                       BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_WRITE    |
  BLEDescriptor *desc3 = new BLEDescriptor(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2908));
  const uint8_t desc3_val[] = {0x03, 0};
  desc3->setValue((uint8_t*)desc3_val, 1);

  BLECharacteristic *protocolModeChar = pService1->createCharacteristic(

  BLECharacteristic *bootInputChar = pService1->createCharacteristic(
  bootInputChar->addDescriptor(new BLE2902());

  BLECharacteristic *bootOutputChar = pService1->createCharacteristic(
                                       BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ     |
                                       BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_WRITE    |

gitmh commented 6 years ago

@chegewara Great work!!! It works like a charm on my Android phone. I can also connect the ESP32 with iOS and Mac OS, but no characters appear there - guess this is the security issue problem you were talking about. For testing I used two ESP32 Hellcat LoRa boards. One board is sending a string over LoRa, to the other board which is connected as HID device on Android transferring all input received as keystrokes.

chegewara commented 6 years ago

Sorry but my windows has Polish localization :(


ripper121 commented 6 years ago

Any news about this? Would be super cool to use it as a AT/PS2 to BLE HID Keyboad adapter.

chegewara commented 6 years ago

@ripper121 What news do you need? Its working for few weeks now. There is one example added. If you have questions, issues or suggestions im open and ready to help.

ripper121 commented 6 years ago

Is there a Arduino Lib for this or is it only possible with the SDK?

chegewara commented 6 years ago

It should work with arduino too. Last time i checked it did work with arduino.

ripper121 commented 6 years ago

Yesss thx its working :)

hmatulis commented 6 years ago

Hi great work, I tried it on my windows 10, but couldn't manage to make it work. First I got a "This device cannot start (Code 10)" and fixed it with https://www.kapilarya.com/fix-this-device-cannot-start-code-10-in-windows-10

After that I've got: "Driver error" - It connects and pairs ok, but doesn't work.

Monitor log: Starting BLE work! Characteristic defined! Now you can read it in your phone! E (27800) BT: lmp_version_below LMP version 6 < 8 E (27860) BT: Call back not found for application conn_id=3 E (33978) BT: bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=3 reason=0x0013

any hint? thanks

chegewara commented 6 years ago

Hi, most likely, and im only guessing right now, its problem with report map. Its this part of code (example code):

        const uint8_t reportMap[] = {
            USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x01,       // Generic Desktop Ctrls
            USAGE(1),           0x06,       // Keyboard
            COLLECTION(1),      0x01,       // Application
            REPORT_ID(1),       0x01,       // REPORTID
            USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x07,       //   Kbrd/Keypad
            USAGE_MINIMUM(1),   0xE0,
            USAGE_MAXIMUM(1),   0xE7,
            LOGICAL_MINIMUM(1), 0x00,
            LOGICAL_MAXIMUM(1), 0x01,
            REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x01,       //   1 byte (Modifier)
            REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x08,
            INPUT(1),           0x02,       //   Data,Var,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position
            REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x01,       //   1 byte (Reserved)
            REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x08,
            INPUT(1),           0x01,       //   Const,Array,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position
            REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x05,       //   5 bits (Num lock, Caps lock, Scroll lock, Compose, Kana)
            REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x01,
            USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x08,       //   LEDs
            USAGE_MINIMUM(1),   0x01,       //   Num Lock
            USAGE_MAXIMUM(1),   0x05,       //   Kana
            OUTPUT(1),          0x02,       //   Data,Var,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position,Non-volatile
            REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x01,       //   3 bits (Padding)
            REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x03,
            OUTPUT(1),          0x01,       //   Const,Array,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position,Non-volatile
            REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x06,       //   6 bytes (Keys)
            REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x08,
            LOGICAL_MINIMUM(1), 0x00,
            LOGICAL_MAXIMUM(1), 0x65,       //   101 keys
            USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x07,       //   Kbrd/Keypad
            USAGE_MINIMUM(1),   0x00,
            USAGE_MAXIMUM(1),   0x65,
            INPUT(1),           0x00,       //   Data,Array,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position

btw, ive been testing hid examples with windows 10 and there is no need to edit registers to make it works

If you can post report map i will try to check it, also screenshot with error would be great

chegewara commented 6 years ago

@hmatulis To make sure that nothing has been changed in esp-idf that could have broke our code i just pulled latest esp-idf and cpp_utils, compiled HID keyboard sample and flashed it. All works fine on android phone and on my windows 10 laptop.

PS One thing, there is small change in esp-idf structure, which was forced by me on devs and they finally changed code, but its not related to your primary issue. This can cause compilation errors, but i have already fixed it and posted PR.

lemio commented 6 years ago

@chegewara I think I have the same problem, literally copy pasted your code, put it on an ESP32 geekworm devboard. Windows and Android recognize it as HID device, but it doesn't 'type' anything...



image image



chegewara commented 6 years ago

Could you guys test this bin file? To use it you need to remove .txt from name.


From first scrennshoot i can guess its something with this report map const uint8_t reportMap[]. Could you use this website to parse report map and send result? http://eleccelerator.com/usbdescreqparser/

chegewara commented 6 years ago

@lemio @hmatulis I didnt think about it earlier, there is bug in cpp_utils and we didnt know about it earlier, but we have had a workaround that help us to use ble. If you are working with esp-idf and not arduino-ide then you can try to change this option in menuconfig: https://github.com/nkolban/esp32-snippets/issues/264#issuecomment-357353186

lemio commented 6 years ago

@chegewara The binairy works! It prints Hello world from esp32 hid keyboard!!!

If I put your code into the USB Descriptor tool I get (But I don't really see why you are asking that): ` 0x05, 0x01, // Usage Page (Generic Desktop Ctrls) 0x09, 0x06, // Usage (Keyboard) 0xA1, 0x01, // Collection (Application) 0x05, 0x07, // Usage Page (Kbrd/Keypad) 0x19, 0xE0, // Usage Minimum (0xE0) 0x29, 0xE7, // Usage Maximum (0xE7) 0x15, 0x00, // Logical Minimum (0) 0x25, 0x01, // Logical Maximum (1) 0x75, 0x01, // Report Size (1) 0x95, 0x08, // Report Count (8) 0x81, 0x02, // Input (Data,Var,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position) 0x95, 0x01, // Report Count (1) 0x75, 0x08, // Report Size (8) 0x81, 0x01, // Input (Const,Array,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position) 0x95, 0x05, // Report Count (5) 0x75, 0x01, // Report Size (1) 0x05, 0x08, // Usage Page (LEDs) 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum (Num Lock) 0x29, 0x05, // Usage Maximum (Kana) 0x91, 0x02, // Output (Data,Var,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position,Non-volatile) 0x95, 0x01, // Report Count (1) 0x75, 0x03, // Report Size (3) 0x91, 0x01, // Output (Const,Array,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position,Non-volatile) 0x95, 0x06, // Report Count (6) 0x75, 0x08, // Report Size (8) 0x15, 0x00, // Logical Minimum (0) 0x25, 0x65, // Logical Maximum (101) 0x05, 0x07, // Usage Page (Kbrd/Keypad) 0x19, 0x00, // Usage Minimum (0x00) 0x29, 0x65, // Usage Maximum (0x65) 0x81, 0x00, // Input (Data,Array,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position) 0xC0, // End Collection

// 63 bytes `

chegewara commented 6 years ago

Well, i dont wanted you to put my code but yours. Like i said, there may be some issue with sdkconfig. You can compare your sdkconfig with this one, but this one is old and there is missing many new options introduced since then: https://gist.github.com/chegewara/e33194b5276c346fd0c310fa99487feb

mafi-mcfly commented 6 years ago

Had the same problem. The CONFIG_BTC_TASK_STACK_SIZE on my ESP32 was 8192 (not 3072). Changed it and now its working.

benjaminaigner commented 6 years ago

@gitmh Thank you for referencing my example :-). Although, this is mostly based on an example by Espressif guys. I had quite a few problems with their example, especially the connecting process.

So I'm trying to build my app around @nkolban 's cpp_utils and all the BLE stuff here

Works much better on connecting, GAP handling and so on. But: HID does not work with following error Each time my phone connects (after pairing) & the keyboard task starts to send a report, the ESP runs into following assertion & panics:

assertion "getService() != nullptr" failed: function: void BLECharacteristic::notify()

As far as I understand (I'm not a CPP pro), the notify method uses its originally defined service. If I use gdb to step through the backtrace, everything seems fine:


are all defined and have their corresponding values. (its the same for battery&dev info service) AFAIK, the characteristic should use exactly this service. So I don't understand why I have this error, if the service is available :-)?

I tried:

Sometimes it is a different exception of type "LoadStoreAlignment" in BLEService::getServer(), but it is always around notify() and the server/service reference...

Do you have any suggestions?

Full log for assertion "getService() != nullptr" https://pastebin.com/kPvheTLa

Thank you very much for any hints, I appreciate! @nkolban Thank you very much for your work!

chegewara commented 6 years ago

Hi @benjaminaigner , sorry for that, but this example is oudated. I did few small changes in hid class but forgot to change example.

Please try to follow this example to create input report and to pass arguments into hidInfo and pnp characteristics: https://github.com/nkolban/esp32-snippets/blob/master/cpp_utils/tests/BLETests/SampleHIDKeyboard.cpp

benjaminaigner commented 6 years ago

@chegewara I noticed that by the compiler errors :-) I've adapted my example ( https://github.com/asterics/esp32_mouse_keyboard/tree/newBLE ), unfortunately I cannot test it until Monday. Should I report here if I find an error? Or should I file a new issue?

chegewara commented 6 years ago

@benjaminaigner Hi, this is not nice how you doing this. You took my example hid file and added your disclaimer in it.


benjaminaigner commented 6 years ago

@chegewara You are absolutely right, changed license header, added your name & removed mine. At least I extended the HID report map :-), when I tested it, you can use it without credit notice (as an apology for my mistake).

chegewara commented 6 years ago

@benjaminaigner Yes, you did. Just want to add that you can combine few report maps in one to have multiple device like keyboard + mouse etc in one esp32. If you have more issues you can post here or open new issue. Since this one is about hid its fine to post here.

EDIT i see you doing this already

chegewara commented 6 years ago

@benjaminaigner If you would like you can ping me in issues on your github repo when you want some help. I dont mind to help you with this project without any interference in your code from my side, just providing expertise knowledge.

benjaminaigner commented 6 years ago

@chegewara And expertise you have (much of it, if I have a look at this repo). Thank you very much for the suggestion on my repo.

JabberwockPL commented 5 years ago

I wanted to build a simple HID keyboard based on an example, but I am somewhat confused now...

I have tried the old Arduino example mentioned here above, but it works only on Android. As I understand, that was the issue with it. So is there a working HID keyboard example for Arduino?

I have also checked out BLETests, but they seem to be written for an environment different than Arduino. Did everyone move to esp-idf? Even so, what do I do with those files? They do not seem 'makeable'...

chegewara commented 5 years ago

This works for me with windows 10. There is minor issue, is not sending capital H, but i have no time to check it why. Its with txt extension because github does not allow to send ino file. HID_keyboard.ino.txt

JabberwockPL commented 5 years ago

Fantastic! Yes, this works, I have finally something to tweak... Dzięki!

qjones81 commented 5 years ago

Anyone have a full working example with a joystick/gamepad? I have gotten the report map made and in windows it shows all the axes, buttons, etc. perfectly. However when I try to send a input report that is nothing happening in windows. Am I missing something for this to work? All of my keyboard and mouse examples work fine. Any guidance would be appreciated! Thanks.

chegewara commented 5 years ago


qjones81 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the link, That does help some. However I do believe my report is formatted properly as I can see everything under device manager in windows. It is just that when I add a value to the actual report to say press a button I get no activity. If it is any help I am under the arduino esp32 environment. I wonder if it would work better if I was under the IDF?

chegewara commented 5 years ago

Im sure your report is formatted properly, other way windows would not install hid device and report driver error. Ive got sample gamepad running under arduino-ide, so its not the issue. Its all about setting proper values (bits for buttons) and send to proper inputReport to match reportID from reportMap.

chegewara commented 5 years ago

@gitmh If you are still interested of running hid with iOS we have found "solution". Any peripheral that have to work with apple needs to fulfill some requirement. After all this time finally we have found the "issue". Its not implemented in this repo yet, but you can find recipe how to fix it here: https://github.com/asterics/esp32_mouse_keyboard/issues/4#issuecomment-398674047