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FTPServer c++ class usage #539

Open snahmad opened 6 years ago

snahmad commented 6 years ago


How to use FTPServer with example to use with spi flash and with sd card.

I also getting linker error. getcwd and chdir. I need to give function definitions for these. Can you provide example function definitions for these.

:/Work/Actisense/esp32/build/cpp_utils\libcpp_utils.a(FTPServer.o):(.literal._ZN9FTPServer19getCurrentDirectoryB5cxx11Ev+0x0): undefined reference to getcwd' C:/Work/Actisense/esp32/build/cpp_utils\libcpp_utils.a(FTPServer.o):(.literal._ZN9FTPServer5onCwdERNSt7__cxx1119basic_istringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x8): undefined reference tochdir' C:/Work/Actisense/esp32/build/cpp_utils\libcpp_utils.a(FTPServer.o): In function FTPServer::getCurrentDirectory[abi:cxx11]()': C:/Work/LibDev/esp32/esp-idf/components/cpp_utils/FTPServer.cpp:229: undefined reference togetcwd' C:/Work/Actisense/esp32/build/cpp_utils\libcpp_utils.a(FTPServer.o): In function FTPServer::onCwd(std::__cxx11::basic_istringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)': C:/Work/LibDev/esp32/esp-idf/components/cpp_utils/FTPServer.cpp:229: undefined reference tochdir' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [C:/Work/LibDev/esp32/esp-idf/make/project.mk:389: /c/Work/Actisense/esp32/build/app-template.elf] Error 1

snahmad commented 6 years ago

I managed to add

int chdir(const char *path) { FRESULT result = f_chdir(path); return result == FR_OK ? 0 : -1; }

char getcwd(char buf, size_t size) { FRESULT result = f_getcwd(buf, size); return result == FR_OK ? buf : NULL; }

__fs = new FATFS_VFS("/spiflash", "storage");

It looks like FTPServer class do not have method to set root directory such as /spiflash or /sdcard.

snahmad commented 6 years ago

Have some one test FTPServer class with spi flash or sd card.

squonk11 commented 6 years ago

The FTPServer class is quite new in this repository. So, I am not sure if ever someone used this class except Mr. Kolban. Unfortunately I currently do not have the time to work on my ESP32 project - otherwise we could try to get things working together as it seems that we have quite similar targets. My project finally also should use HttpServer with SSL serving a bigger size web page from an SD card. The web page will be made using a higher level Javascript framework and an FTP Server for updating this website. Later on I also would like to add MQTT protocol.

snahmad commented 6 years ago

Have you tried HttpServer with SSL enabled yet?

squonk11 commented 6 years ago

no, also this I did not try until now. I am quite in the beginning of my project and I don't know if will ever be able to finish it. Until now I just tested HttpServer and mongoose server to serve a smaller web page. This works so far. I decided to stay with HttpServer as it is free SW because if I finish the project it might become a comercial thing. Maybe in a few weeks I will have time again to continue on this project.

snahmad commented 6 years ago

ok. let me know outcome

squonk11 commented 6 years ago


snahmad commented 5 years ago

Have some one used this FTPServer yet. with SD card?

fa1ke5 commented 5 years ago


lkozinakov commented 5 years ago

I have tried to use this FTP code as well, but I keep getting the same "undefined reference to getcwd" errors during the linking stage of the build. There must be some problems with the #include line at the top of the code, but I can't seem to figure out what exactly. I'll post if I find a fix.