nkremerh / sugarscape

Development repository for the Digital Terraria Lab implementation of the Sugarscape agent-based societal simulation.
MIT License
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Fixes bug where too many replacement agents are created #112

Closed colinhanrahan closed 1 month ago

colinhanrahan commented 1 month ago

One of my configs with 300 initial and 300 replacement agents was jumping up to 492 agents. totalCells is the number of empty spawning locations, not the total number of spawn locations.

I moved agent replacements to before the GUI draw so that the number of agents on screen and the GUI agent counter are always equal to the replacement agents (if 300, there will always be 300 agents on screen). You might prefer that agents are replaced after the GUI draw (the current behavior) so that you still get a sense of how many agents died last timestep (# replacements - agent counter on GUI). In that case, the other changes—removing the extra GUI draw and correcting the number of configured agents—should still stay.

I'm also thinking that we should updateRuntimeStats once after creating the GUI and before running any sugarscape.doTimestep so that the counters on the menu bar are not all incorrectly 0 at timestep 0. They are correct if logging is enabled because we updateRuntimeStats at the beginning of startLog, but they should be updated even if there is no log.

nkremerh commented 1 month ago

Correctness is preferred, but we can achieve that by adding in another runtime metrics (agentsReplaced and agentsBorn for reproduction). That way none of these calculations have to occur in a special order anymore.

colinhanrahan commented 1 month ago

Is this what you were looking for? I removed the agentReproduced metric because we don't use and it makes no sense to me.