nkrode / RedisLive

Visualize your redis instances, analyze query patterns and spikes.
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Create a script to automate installation #8

Open kumarnitin opened 12 years ago

kumarnitin commented 12 years ago

Support installation via a script rather than current manual approach

reustle commented 12 years ago

Do you have any recommendation on what part to automate? It seems pretty straight forward to me.

kumarnitin commented 12 years ago
  1. Yes basically just install the dependencies automatically instead of user doing the pip install.
  2. You can automate by asking the user the Redis instances to track, automatically editing the .conf file. can also ask the preference on the data store, sqlite or redis and set the value of "DataStoreType" property.
  3. Ask questions about scheduling redis-monitor.py, how often to run, when to run etc, and then setup the cron.
  4. setup redis-live.py also to run as daemon
splee commented 12 years ago

Should there be an install_scripts.py* for installing init.d/upstart scripts and config in /etc?

* which I think is sort-of-semi standard? If not, whatever is the standard.

drnic commented 12 years ago

Perhaps consider https://github.com/ddollar/foreman for describing how the app parts are to be run. foreman allows you to export different start/stop scripts.

kumarnitin commented 12 years ago

@drnic foreman sounds neat, i'll definitely look it into...or even better, send me a pull request ? :-)