nksaraf / vinxi

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Outer variables referenced inside "use server" get treeshaken away. #296

Open lithdew opened 1 month ago

lithdew commented 1 month ago

Reproduction: https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-hvdm3o?file=app%2Fserver-functions.ts

The reproduction is a fork of examples/vanilla/spa.


[h3] [unhandled] ReferenceError: updatedSchema is not defined
    at $$function0 (/home/projects/kkvirzoaz.github/app/server-functions.ts:32:22)
    ... 3 lines matching cause stack trace ...
    at async Server.toNodeHandle (file:///home/projects/kkvirzoaz.github/node_modules/h3/dist/index.mjs:2374:7) {
  cause: ReferenceError: updatedSchema is not defined
      at $$function0 (/home/projects/kkvirzoaz.github/app/server-functions.ts:32:22)
      at handleServerAction (/home/projects/kkvirzoaz.github/node_modules/@vinxi/server-functions/server-handler.js:17:27)
      at async _callHandler (file:///home/projects/kkvirzoaz.github/node_modules/h3/dist/index.mjs:1946:16)
      at async Object.eval [as handler] (file:///home/projects/kkvirzoaz.github/node_modules/h3/dist/index.mjs:2087:19)
      at async Server.toNodeHandle (file:///home/projects/kkvirzoaz.github/node_modules/h3/dist/index.mjs:2374:7),
  statusCode: 500,
  fatal: false,
  unhandled: true,
  statusMessage: undefined,
  data: undefined

The function world shown below is the server function. The updatedSchema variable declared inside validated gets treeshaken away even though it is used inside of the "use server" closure.

import { z } from 'zod';

export class ValidationError extends Error {
  constructor(public errors: z.ZodIssue[]) {
    super('Failed to validate input.');

export function validated<TInputSchema extends z.ZodSchema, T>(
  schema: TInputSchema,
  fn: (input: z.input<TInputSchema>) => T
) {
  const updatedSchema = schema.transform((v) => ({
    status: 'ok' as const,
    data: v,
  return (input: z.input<TInputSchema>) => {
    'use server';
    const validated = updatedSchema.safeParse(input);
    if (!validated.success) {
      throw new ValidationError(validated.error.errors);

    return fn(validated.data);

export const world = validated(
  z.object({ text: z.string() }),
  (input) => input

The client.tsx is modified as shown below:

/// <reference types="vinxi/types/client" />
import 'vinxi/client';

import './style.css';
import { world } from './server-functions';

world({ text: 'world' }).then(
  (result) => (document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = `Hello ${result}`)
Brendonovich commented 1 month ago

Though the error reporting could be improved, I think this is intended behaviour. Functions with 'use server' are hoisted to the module scope and can't capture things that aren't also available in the module.

lithdew commented 1 month ago

🤔 For NextJS’s server actions implementation as an example, the “use server” directive can only be used in server-side files though (whether or not the directive is declared at the top of a module or function). Implicitly, this would mean files with “use server” declared anywhere should be excluded from the client bundle (well, included in the client bundle with a shim based on createServerReference).

I noticed that for Vinxi’s server functions that “use server” can technically be declared in functions in client-side code as well (causing client-side and server-side code to mix). It’s not that trivial to resolve which imports or functions inside of mixed client/server code should be included solely in the client bundle or server bundle in that case though. Is this intended behavior?

Brendonovich commented 1 month ago

I think it is intended behaviour yeah, since Vinxi doesn't have a separation between client and server files like React.

It’s not that trivial to resolve which imports or functions inside of mixed client/server code should be included solely in the client bundle or server bundle in that case though

I think something that would help here is for server functions to only be valid at the top-level of a module, such that the code you provided doesn't compile successfully. That way it wouldn't be possible for the server function to close over updatedSchema.