nksaraf / vinxi

The Full Stack JavaScript SDK
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WIP: feat: support tree shaking for mdx #382

Closed Codpoe closed 2 months ago

Codpoe commented 2 months ago


codesandbox[bot] commented 2 months ago

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vercel[bot] commented 2 months ago

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vinxi-website ❌ Failed (Inspect) Sep 27, 2024 6:18am
changeset-bot[bot] commented 2 months ago

🦋 Changeset detected

Latest commit: 2e58f3a2d4ee21622467f87e12903530deae623f

The changes in this PR will be included in the next version bump.

This PR includes changesets to release 2 packages | Name | Type | | ------------- | ----- | | vinxi | Patch | | @vinxi/router | Patch |

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pkg-pr-new[bot] commented 2 months ago

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``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/deno-doc@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/vinxi@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/plugin-directives@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/doc@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/plugin-mdx@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/openapi@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/react@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/react-server@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/router@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/server-components@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/solid@382 ```


``` pnpm add https://pkg.pr.new/@vinxi/server-functions@382 ```

commit: 2e58f3a