nksaraf / vinxi

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https with custom host and certificates in dev #386

Open nikitavoloboev opened 1 week ago

nikitavoloboev commented 1 week ago

I need to make this vite config work with vinxi:

import { resolve } from "node:path"
import { defineConfig } from "vite"
import tsconfigPaths from "vite-tsconfig-paths"
import basicSsl from "@vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl"
import { readFileSync } from "node:fs"
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react"
import { nodePolyfills } from "vite-plugin-node-polyfills"

const local = process.env.LOCAL === "true"

// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [
        // https://github.com/vitejs/vite/discussions/2785 (buffer needed to make ton apis work https://t.me/tonapitech/5193)
            include: ["path", "stream", "util"],
            exclude: ["http"],
            globals: {
                Buffer: true,
                global: true,
                process: true,
            overrides: {
                fs: "memfs",
            protocolImports: true,
        // Allows using React dev server along with building a React application with Vite.
        // https://npmjs.com/package/@vitejs/plugin-react-swc
        // Allows using the compilerOptions.paths property in tsconfig.json.
        // https://www.npmjs.com/package/vite-tsconfig-paths
        // Allows using self-signed certificates to run the dev server using HTTPS.
        // In case, you have a trusted SSL certificate with a key, you could use the server.https
        // option not to proceed to the untrusted SSL certificate warning.
        // https://www.npmjs.com/package/@vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl
        // basicSsl({
        //  certDir: resolve("certificates"),
        //  domains: ["tma.internal"],
        // }),
        ...(local !== true
            ? [
                        certDir: resolve("certificates"),
                        domains: ["tma.internal"],
            : []),
    server: {
        host: "tma.internal",
        // Uncomment the next lines in case, you would like to run Vite dev server using HTTPS and in
        // case, you have trusted key and certificate. You retrieve your certificate and key
        // using mkcert.
        // Learn more: https://docs.telegram-mini-apps.com/platform/getting-app-link#mkcert
        // https: {
        //  cert: readFileSync(resolve("certificates/tma.internal.pem")),
        //  key: readFileSync(resolve("certificates/tma.internal-key.pem")),
        // },
            local === true
                ? {
                        cert: readFileSync(resolve("certificates/tma.internal.pem")),
                        key: readFileSync(resolve("certificates/tma.internal-key.pem")),
                : undefined,
    publicDir: "./public",

for that I need https with custom host and certificates in dev as that does not seem to be supported yet.

AlexErrant commented 3 days ago

FWIW I'm on Solid-Start (which uses vinxi) and https works just fine for me. You might find step 5 here interesting.