nksaunders / giants

Finding Giant Planets in TESS FFIs
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adding ACF inset #3

Closed skgrunblatt closed 4 years ago

skgrunblatt commented 4 years ago

lines to add:

from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes

acf = np.correlate(power,power, 'same') freq_acf = np.linspace(-freq[-1],freq[-1],len(freq))

and immediately after FFT plot calls: ax = plt.gca() axins = inset_axes(ax, width=2.0, height=1.4) axins.plot(freq_acf,acf) axins.set_xlim(1,25) axins.set_xlabel("ACF [uHz]")

nksaunders commented 4 years ago
