nktoan / Causal-Inference-via-Style-Transfer-for-OOD-Generalisation

This repository contains the codebase for our accepted paper in the Research Track of KDD'23, titled 'Causal-Inference-via-Style-Transfer-for-OOD-Generalisation'.
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Questions regarding style transfer model. #1

Closed boqchen closed 6 months ago

boqchen commented 7 months ago


Thanks for the amazing work.

I have a question regarding which style transfer model to use during training. In the code I notices the style transfer model is loaded here (line #49) https://github.com/nktoan/Causal-Inference-via-Style-Transfer-for-OOD-Generalisation/blob/main/imcls/trainers/causalfd.py.

self.style_transfer_checkpoints_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f"output_style_transfer/{self.learned_dataset}/{self.domain_test}/seed21/StyleTransfer Checkpoint.tar")

I was wondering where is the StyleTransfer Checkpoint.tar file provided.

Thanks in advance!

nktoan commented 6 months ago

HI boqchen,

Apologies for the delayed response; I didn't receive a notification about your issue on GitHub. I've uploaded the pretrained weights (titled 'StyleTransfer Checkpoint.tar') for each dataset and domain. However, I recently realized that the weights for PACS were not uploaded correctly. I have now updated these weights. Please take another look and inform me if there are any more issues.

As mentioned in the readme file, all the pre-trained weights are uploaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/124eDQlk04VC0jsQNCzMe016px5f9hcbM

Thank you for your interest!