Open peteruithoven opened 10 years ago
It is possible to collect all "consumer" sockets in an array, create a outgoing stream per consumer and pipe the stream to all consumers.
var nsp = io.of('/user');
nsp.on('connection', function(socket) {
var query = socket.handshake.query;
debug("/user new connection type: ",query.type);
switch(query.type) {
case "consumer":
debug(" consumerSockets.length: ",consumerSockets.length);
// receive the image
ss(socket).on('image', function(incomingStream, data) {
debug("on image ",data);
for(var i in consumerSockets) {
var consumerSocket = consumerSockets[i];
var outgoingStream = ss.createStream();
ss(consumerSocket).emit('image', outgoingStream, {name:});
But the problem when you run multiple Node.js instances (clustering) is that you never have references to all client sockets. I've used my own Redis pub/sub library to talk to a specific client, but I'm not sure yet how to use that with streams, see:
Looking through the code I understand sends chunks of the data using regular emit's. This means implementing a broadcast shouldn't be impossible. Then would take care of the clustering challenge.
this.sio.emit(exports.event + '-write', id, chunk, encoding, callback);
Yeah, there is no way to do that for now, but I think we can implement that as you explain. Please keep the issue open.
you don't have to track the connected sockets you can use io.sockets.connected like this:
ss(socket).on('file', function(incomingstream, data) {
for(var i in io.sockets.connected) {
//don't send the stream back to the initiator
if (io.sockets.connected[i].id !=
var socketTo = io.sockets.connected[i]
var outgoingstream = ss.createStream();
ss(socketTo).emit('file', outgoingstream, data);
@celevra You can't use properties like io.sockets.connected
if you want to work clustered and you usually want to to handle scale.
Is there anyway to broadcast the stream to all clients in a namespace or room? I'd like to do something like this: