nl-design-system / backlog

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Documentation: Form patterns #46

Closed usethetics closed 5 months ago

usethetics commented 3 years ago

How to structure forms.

usethetics commented 3 years ago

Add fieldset container guidelines.

usethetics commented 3 years ago

Add validation documentation.

usethetics commented 3 years ago

Add fieldset and legend documentation.

usethetics commented 3 years ago

Add in-depth explanation for form accessibility guidelines. I.e. why does a label need to be associated with an input field, etc.

usethetics commented 3 years ago

Add guidelines on how to make forms gender inclusive.

Den Haag already made efforts creating guidelines: Terugdringen van onnodige vragen naar sekse

And there is the Genderdoeboek by Transgender Netwerk Nederland.

HT. Celina van Hees

usethetics commented 2 years ago

Example displaying an error overview and error text in combination with helper text. The overview of all errors in the form is displayed on top of the form with links to each individual error.

Note the error text’s placement above the input field, creating a natural flow and making it obvious for all users, in particular users relying on screenreaders as the error text is partly informed by the input label and helper text.

Form field error and helper text