nlaha / godot-midi

MIDI file parsing and event playback in Godot 4.1+
MIT License
52 stars 5 forks source link

Resolve a few build errors on MacOS #14

Closed delaneyparker closed 4 months ago

delaneyparker commented 5 months ago

Tested on a Intel Core i7 mac running MacOS 12.6, YMMV. SCons: v4.6.0.e5eef322a4a727b96358a436dca46e8085ac8692

One other solution would be to static cast before converting to Variant versus changing the type of the loop variable. Something like this->track_index_offsets[i] = static_cast<int64_t>(j); ...

nlaha commented 4 months ago

Looks good, I think keeping uint64_t for the loops is fine. I should probably keep integer types consistent and switch everything to int64_t since that's what Godot uses internally for variants and memory isn't a huge concern. But realistically I don't think anyone is going to be importing a MIDI with >2 million tracks anytime soon.