nlaha / godot-midi

MIDI file parsing and event playback in Godot 4.1+
MIT License
52 stars 5 forks source link

help Godot 4.1.1 #6

Closed flendoh closed 8 months ago

flendoh commented 8 months ago

res://addons/godot_midi/ - Parse Error: Identifier "Midi" not declared in the current scope. res://addons/godot_midi/ - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'new' in base 'GDScript'. Can't open dynamic library: D:/Godot/Lythereal/bin/godotmidi/ Error: Error 126: The specified module could not be found.. core/extension/gdextension.cpp:455 - GDExtension dynamic library not found: D:/Godot/Lythereal/bin/godotmidi/ Failed loading resource: res://bin/godotmidi.gdextension. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.

aidan-j-rhoden commented 8 months ago

Did you open the project in the editor at least once? Other than that, you need to provide more debug information, like your OS, how you installed the extension, your project setup, etc.

nlaha commented 8 months ago

Please make sure the DLL file shown in the error message is in the expected location in your project.

flendoh commented 8 months ago

I really don't know if I did the steps right, I just took the bin folder and the godotMidi folder and put it in my existing project (godot 4.1.1) from the source code, the bin I put it in the project folder and the godotMidi in the addons folder of the project, sorry if I didn't specify well

nlaha commented 8 months ago

@flendoh This is my fault, I forgot Github Actions doesn't include the correct directory structure or any of the addon files, it only includes the shared library files (DLLs, etc.). I have updated "Beta Release 2" on the releases page with a new zip file, please try it with that. You should be able to simply follow the README instructions now.

flendoh commented 8 months ago

@nlaha yep, now it works, thank you very much bro