nlaha / godot-midi

MIDI file parsing and event playback in Godot 4.1+
MIT License
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Create addon and MidiManager in C# #7

Closed nlaha closed 8 months ago

nlaha commented 8 months ago

Currently, all the core logic should be available both to GDScript and C#, but the actual addon is written in GDScript.

In other words, the contents of

Should be written in C# alongside the GDScript implementation.

aidan-j-rhoden commented 8 months ago

I might take a shot at this; just to be clear, the contents of /addons/godot_midi/ need to be recreated in C#?

aidan-j-rhoden commented 8 months ago

Also, should this be noted? - C# basics

nlaha commented 8 months ago

I've started working on a rewrite of how the MIDI parser interfaces with Godot. The new version no longer relies on the animation system. For that reason, I suggest you wait until I have that in a working state, as much of the Godot addon logic will be changed to accommodate the new system.

I'm closing this issue for now, but will re-open it once the new version (written in GDScript) is merged into main.

aidan-j-rhoden commented 8 months ago

Let me note real quick, ChatGPT worked phenomenally for this task. I did one script myself, and after debugging for an hour or so, got it working. I gave ChatGPT the script and this prompt: Translate the following code from GDScript to C#:

It produced the exact same working result I created, and in ~2 seconds.

nlaha commented 8 months ago

Let me note real quick, ChatGPT worked phenomenally for this task. I did one script myself, and after debugging for an hour or so, got it working. I gave ChatGPT the script and this prompt: Translate the following code from GDScript to C#:

It produced the exact same working result I created, and in ~2 seconds.

I'm going to keep this issue closed as I was able to write a MIDI playback node ("MidiPlayer") in C++, thus no GDScript or C# version is required.