nlamprian / ICP

Implementation of the photogeometric ICP algorithm in OpenCL
MIT License
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Error when accessing kernel file: basic_ios::clear #4

Open soulslicer opened 7 years ago

soulslicer commented 7 years ago

Loading 1st point cloud from ../data/kg_pc8d_1.bin Loading 2nd point cloud from ../data/kg_pc8d_2.bin Error when accessing kernel file: basic_ios::clear (/home/ac2-vision/ICP/build/external/CLUtils/src/CLUtils/src/CLUtils.cpp:224)

soulslicer commented 7 years ago

I cant even get your clutils to work


gives me Failed. I have OpenCL installed on my system and i have coded too in that and it all works

nlamprian commented 7 years ago

This is because it cannot find the kernel files. Please make sure your working directory is the build folder and within the build folder there is the kernels folder with all the kernels.

Soon, I'll start working on the project again. Please let me know of any other issues you might have and I'll look into them.

soulslicer commented 7 years ago

Okay..thank you for replying. I seem to have gotten it to get past that..but now I get this error:


It looks like you are creating the kernels with the file name appended with some number. Is that allowed with opencl such a complex name?

nlamprian commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure I follow. If you are referring to CLUtils and tests.cpp, there are 2 kernel files, and, so the names are ok.

soulslicer commented 7 years ago

Basically, I attempt to run the icp_registration example

Available Controls:
 Perform ICP Registration :  T
 Reset Transformation     :  R
 Rotate                   :  Mouse Left Button
 Zoom In/Out              :  Mouse Wheel
 Quit                     :  Q or Esc

Loading 1st point cloud from ../data/kg_pc8d_1.bin
Loading 2nd point cloud from ../data/kg_pc8d_2.bin

and it crashes over here

soulslicer commented 7 years ago

doesn't seem to go past this line

icp = new ICPReg<RC, WC> (&glPC4DBuffer, &glRGBABuffer);

When I print the kernel names i only see this

reduce_min_f;reduce_max_ui reduce_min_f;reduce_max_ui;reduce_sum_f

nlamprian commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, this doesn't tell me much. I'll be able to get back with more information as soon as I start working on it again.

In the meantime, you can try running things from the bottom (CLUtils, GuidedFilter, RBC) and see if they execute ok.

soulslicer commented 7 years ago

It's okay, i do not have much time to test further as i need to move forward. looked very promising though. I would definitely spend more time on it if there was PCL integration. If possible maybe you can attempt to run this too and see if it works? I am using a GTX 1070 with OpenCL 1.2 btw

nlamprian commented 7 years ago

My goal, after some debugging and refactoring, is to add ROS integration. So naturally, PCL will get in the game too. I don't have access to a nvidia card. I wouldn't be surprised if this was causing a problem (perhaps some issue with OpenGL?).

soulslicer commented 7 years ago

That sounds good. Any ETA on that? What GPU are you using though?

Also invalid kernel name usually points to the fact that the kernel name is not found as a function inside the kernel right?

nlamprian commented 7 years ago

I can't give you a reliable ETA, since I won't be having dedicated time for working on the project. Hopefully, I will start delivering within November. I'm using a R9 390.

It's possible. I can't say more, unless I know the specific error code and line that produced the error.

soulslicer commented 7 years ago

Also can I check does this work on an unorganized cloud

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, Nick Lamprianidis wrote:

I can't give you a reliable ETA, since I won't be having dedicated time for working on the project. Hopefully, I will start delivering within November. I'm using a R9 390.

It's possible. I can't say more, unless I know the specific error code and line that produced the error.

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nlamprian commented 7 years ago

It all depends on the initial estimate of the transformation. But I wouldn't expect much at this stage.

soulslicer commented 7 years ago

ah ic so it does thats nice. well if you or anyone ever gets to test on this the new generation of nvidia gpu's (1060 and above) and gets it to work let me know

soulslicer commented 7 years ago

Okay, so I cloned and tested your code with my old GTX 760 Ti with OpenCL 1.2. Exact same error, I believe some bug has perhaps been pushed