nlef / moonraker-telegram-bot

Telegram bot to interact with Moonraker (Klipper Web API Server)
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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[Bug]: Timelapse compilation error #279

Open DrDaveone opened 1 year ago

DrDaveone commented 1 year ago

What happened and in what context?

issue: не делает таймлапсы, по окончанию постит в тг Starting time-lapse assembly for имя файла и тишина, нагрузки цпу после этого не наблюдается. камера с270, хост EEEPC 1001PX 2gb ram Python 3.11.2, 6.1.0-9-amd64, Debian 6.1.27-1 appdirs==1.4.4 APScheduler==3.6.3 attrs==22.2.0 beautifulsoup4==4.11.2 beniget==0.4.1 blinker==1.5 Brotli==1.0.9 cachetools==4.2.2 certifi==2022.9.24 chardet==5.1.0 charset-normalizer==3.0.1 contourpy==1.0.7 cryptography==38.0.4 cycler==0.11.0 dbus-python==1.3.2 decorator==5.1.1 distlib==0.3.6 distro==1.8.0 emoji==2.2.0 filelock==3.9.0 fonttools==4.38.0 fs==2.4.16 gast==0.5.2 gevent==22.10.2 greenlet==2.0.2 html5lib==1.1 httplib2==0.20.4 idna==3.3 importlib-metadata==4.12.0 kiwisolver==0.0.0 lazr.restfulclient==0.14.5 lazr.uri==1.0.6 lxml==4.9.2 lz4==4.0.2+dfsg matplotlib==3.6.3 more-itertools==8.10.0 mpmath==0.0.0 numpy==1.24.2 oauthlib==3.2.2 olefile==0.46 packaging==23.0 Pillow==9.5.0 platformdirs==2.6.0 ply==3.11 pycurl==7.45.2 PyGObject==3.42.2 PyJWT==2.6.0 pyparsing==3.0.9 PySimpleSOAP==1.16.2 PySocks==1.7.1 python-apt==2.6.0 python-dateutil==2.8.2 python-debian==0.1.49 python-debianbts==4.0.1 python-telegram-bot==13.15 pythran==0.11.0 pytz==2022.7.1 rel==0.4.8 reportbug==12.0.0 requests==2.30.0 scipy==1.10.1 six==1.16.0 soupsieve==2.3.2 sympy==1.11.1 tornado==6.1 tzlocal==2.1 ufoLib2==0.14.0 ujson==5.7.0 urllib3==1.26.12 virtualenv==20.17.1+ds wadllib==1.3.6 webencodings==0.5.1 websocket-client==1.5.1 wsaccel==0.6.4 zipp==1.0.0 zope.event==4.4 zope.interface==5.5.2

If needed, paste the relevant bot log contents here.


If needed, paste the relevant bot journal contents here.

No response

What branch does this occur on?


Reports only on latest master or development branches!