nlitsme / bitcoinexplainer

Interactive examples explaining the details of how bitcoin calculations work.
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how to get z1 z2 value #1

Closed timekswaste closed 2 years ago

timekswaste commented 2 years ago

-txid f9aa66876f79ed8870720e9019e769548f591d285cc2d16460c411c5da0912ca R: 6fc545a0360d77a92e5f00ad13f947c48d3d61605b091f43d3b8c9aeca68a3ea S: 472db6ab16c4b34442a123764e871bbf1c866810996a3117c7a4937ef0b92b52 Z: 49acf9eb7e34189460d96ef1d8ce0d6bd35e5ff659da757775244aeb887b398d PubKey: 0242ae9c0bd6300b20b08709546b79a02ef3a297a7eee1299121e2f79eb646c5b

i need this rsz private key how to rsz to hex private key get in python

and explain how to get z1 and z2 -txid f9aa66876f79ed8870720e9019e769548f591d285cc2d16460c411c5da0912ca

timekswaste commented 2 years ago

run this script output : show r s1s2 z1,z2 but i got error what my mistake i am enter raw tx i got error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 13, in s = keyUtils.derSigToHexSig(m[1][:-2]) File "/home/runner/btc-rsz/", line 32, in derSigToHexSig x, s = ecdsa.der.remove_integer(s) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ecdsa/", line 218, in remove_integer raise UnexpectedDER("Negative integers are not supported") ecdsa.der.UnexpectedDER: Negative integers are not supported

i know r s1s2 i need z1z2 value,please how to get z1z2 #mybadenglish

nlitsme commented 2 years ago

You need a 2nd transaction using the same r value. and as far as I can tell, there is none in the main-net bitcoin blockchain.

And, btw your pubkey is missing a '9' at the end.

timekswaste commented 2 years ago

tq reply @nlitsme iam watch this video only one rsz and public key use crack private key : its possible i dont know ,any idea find k,pk formula i just copy the code in this video


p = 0x n = 0x

E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [0, 7]) Fn = FiniteField(n) xP = 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798 yP = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8

r = 0x s = 0x p = 0x #enter publickery 02 0r 03 /04 maybe

k = (()) #i dont know p,pk formula ,any idea guess pk = () print(hex(pk))

video link not work i am backup this video click

nlitsme commented 2 years ago

the claim in that video is that he cracked this wallet: Then why is it still full of bitcoins?

There is no such formula.

timekswaste commented 2 years ago

Block Chain WebSocket Listener this project currently working or not,any improvement i am run 1hr

timekswaste commented 2 years ago

Block Chain WebSocket Listener this project currently working or not,any improvement i am run 1hr

update please..

nlitsme commented 2 years ago

the video uses just one transaction. there is no formula to crack a key from just one txn.

That link which says 'bruteforce' sends the values to and does nothing else as far as I can see.

Jaloliddin-jp commented 2 years ago

Hi! You should search z1 and z2 from second transaction !

Jaloliddin-jp commented 2 years ago

k = (()) #i dont know p,pk formula ,any idea guess

And about this formula ! I know but this formula isn't everything ! Because we should find second formula i mean (pk) !