nlkitai / nlbridge

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Second inputs using the Express.js middleware result in HTTP 400 responses #1

Open brianangulo opened 1 month ago

brianangulo commented 1 month ago

Everything works fine the first request after connecting my express.js backend to your frontend as per your instructions. But whenever I enter input into the chatbox for the second time it fails due to server responding with 400.

Below is the response:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Invalid payload for action \"chat-stream\". payload.conversationHistory contains invalid items"

And here is the payload the front end is sending:

    "action": "chat-stream",
    "payload": {
        "message": "any",
        "conversationHistory": [
                "role": "user",
                "message": "asda"
                "role": "assistant",
                "message": [
                    "Asda is a British",
                    " supermarket chain that is a",
                    " subsidiary of Walmart. It is one of",
                    " the largest retail chains in",
                    " the UK, selling groceries,",
                    " clothing, electronics, and other products."
gonzalezw commented 1 month ago

I just ran into this as well. There seems to be two issue with the nlbridge express middleware.

  1. The role value assistant is not recognized as valid in
  2. The message type is expect to be a string instead of the streaming chat string array.

For now to get around this I added an express middleware before the nlbridge middleware with
  function (
    req: Request<
        payload: {
          conversationHistory: {
            role: 'ai' | 'assistant' | 'system' | 'user'
            message: string | string[]
    _res: Response,
    next: NextFunction
  ) {
    req.body.payload = {
      conversationHistory: => ({,
        message: Array.isArray(chat.message) ? chat.message.join(' ') : chat.message,
        role: chat.role === 'assistant' ? 'ai' : chat.role,
brianangulo commented 1 month ago

Unsure is this is still an issue, I ended up using my own custom adapter