nlmixr2 / rxode2et
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`et()` non-zero time and until not functioning correctly #15

Closed mattfidler closed 1 year ago

mattfidler commented 1 year ago
library(rxode2et);et(amt=1.153846, ii=24*7*6, until=24*7*6*2)%>%  et(amt=1.153846, time=24*7*6*(2+8), ii=24*7*8, until=24*7*50)
#> Warning: package 'rxode2et' was built under R version 4.2.2
#> Warning: 'ii' requires non zero additional doses ('addl') or steady state dosing
#> ('ii': 1344.000000, 'ss': 0; 'addl': 0), reset 'ii' to zero.
#> ── EventTable with 2 records ──
#> 2 dosing records (see x$get.dosing(); add with add.dosing or et)
#> 0 observation times (see x$get.sampling(); add with add.sampling or et)
#> multiple doses in `addl` columns, expand with x$expand(); or etExpand(x)
#> ── First part of x: ──
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#>    time   amt    ii  addl evid        
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <evid>      
#> 1     0  1.15  1008     2 1:Dose (Add)
#> 2 10080  1.15     0     0 1:Dose (Add)

Created on 2023-01-30 with reprex v2.0.2

mattfidler commented 1 year ago

Actually it is functioning correctly. Should be some error or warning when until is less than time+ii