Closed KyleBarrett closed 6 years ago
We have a PBPK and semi-mechanistic model example that we plan to share after the PAGE meeting. I think those would qualify, but will be shared in ~2 weeks.
Hi Matt, I think that would clarify some of my questions as well. Looking forward to their release!
A draft is availble here:
It may change the location, if so I will update the url for you.
I have been attempting to write the ODE's and model inputs using mrgsolve while using nlmixr for parameter estimation, similar to this link:
However, Im working with a two-compartment ODE-based model and prefer to use saem over nlme. Saem() requires the ODE's be in RxODE format, so I think it would be easier to use nlmixr(est="saem") as it allows additional model classes to be used. I was wondering if you had any examples similar to the above link, but using the saem method instead.