nlp-uoregon / trankit

Trankit is a Light-Weight Transformer-based Python Toolkit for Multilingual Natural Language Processing
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Error in tesing phase after training and creating a pipeline (posdep) #60

Open Jeevesh28 opened 1 year ago

Jeevesh28 commented 1 year ago

I am struggling with one of the functionalities of running the pipeline on the test data. The pipeline is able to predict a single line but is not working properly on the dataset and give a CoNLL-U score for posdep. The error is as follows:

    539             head_seqs = [chuliu_edmonds_one_root(adj[:l, :l])[1:] for adj, l in
    540                          zip(predicted_dep[0], sentlens)]
--> 541             deprel_seqs = [[self._config.itos[DEPREL][predicted_dep[1][i][j + 1][h]] for j, h in
    542                             enumerate(hs)] for
    543                            i, hs