nlpyang / PreSumm

code for EMNLP 2019 paper Text Summarization with Pretrained Encoders
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validation/test error on CNNDM #198

Open monologue1107 opened 3 years ago

monologue1107 commented 3 years ago

After I trained sum model for CNNDM, I tried to run the validation on my ckpt. The script I use are followed: export BERT_DATA_PATH=../bert_data/ export MODEL_PATH=../model/ python \ -task abs \ -mode validate \ -batch_size 3000 \ -test_batch_size 500 \ -bert_data_path ${BERT_DATA_PATH} \ -log_file ../logs/val_abs_bert_cnndm \ -model_path ${MODEL_PATH} \ -sep_optim true \ -use_interval true \ -visible_gpus 1 \ -max_pos 512 \ -max_length 200 \ -alpha 0.95 \ -min_length 50 \ -result_path ../logs/abs_bert_cnndm

When running validation dataset, it went all well. While during test part, it didn't go further by:

`[2020-10-18 20:34:05,003 INFO] Loading valid dataset from ../bert_data/, number of examples: 1362 [2020-10-18 20:34:35,629 INFO] Validation perplexity: 9.66616 [2020-10-18 20:34:35,630 INFO] Validation accuracy: 56.876 [2020-10-18 20:34:35,913 INFO] Loading checkpoint from ../model/ [2020-10-18 20:34:39,414 INFO] loading configuration file from cache at ../temp/4dad0251492946e18ac39290fcfe91b89d370fee250efe9521476438fe8ca185.7156163d5fdc189c3016baca0775ffce230789d7fa2a42ef516483e4ca884517 [2020-10-18 20:34:39,415 INFO] Model config { "architectures": [ "BertForMaskedLM" ], "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, "finetuning_task": null, "hidden_act": "gelu", "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "hidden_size": 768, "initializer_range": 0.02, "intermediate_size": 3072, "layer_norm_eps": 1e-12, "max_position_embeddings": 512, "model_type": "bert", "num_attention_heads": 12, "num_hidden_layers": 12, "num_labels": 2, "output_attentions": false, "output_hidden_states": false, "pad_token_id": 0, "pruned_heads": {}, "torchscript": false, "type_vocab_size": 2, "vocab_size": 30522 }

[2020-10-18 20:34:40,460 INFO] loading weights file from cache at ../temp/aa1ef1aede4482d0dbcd4d52baad8ae300e60902e88fcb0bebdec09afd232066.36ca03ab34a1a5d5fa7bc3d03d55c4fa650fed07220e2eeebc06ce58d0e9a157 [2020-10-18 20:34:48,701 INFO] Loading test dataset from ../bert_data/, number of examples: 2001 [2020-10-18 20:34:49,884 INFO] loading file from cache at ../temp/26bc1ad6c0ac742e9b52263248f6d0f00068293b33709fae12320c0e35ccfbbb.542ce4285a40d23a559526243235df47c5f75c197f04f37d1a0c124c32c9a084`

Do you have some opinions about this kind of issue?

beanandrew commented 3 years ago

Yes, I was in the same condition when I try to test my model. Have you solved this problem?

zyw12358 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I was in the same condition when I try to test my model. Have you solved this problem?

Have you solved this problem?

zyw12358 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I was in the same condition when I try to test my model. Have you solved this problem?

Yes, I was in the same condition when I try to test my model. Have you solved this problem?


Camellia1110 commented 1 year ago

Have you solved it?

Dengguty commented 7 months ago

Yes, I was in the same condition when I try to test my model. Have you solved this problem? Hello, have you solved this problem since then? 你好,请问之后你解决这个问题了吗?

Dengguty commented 7 months ago

Have you solved it? Hello, have you solved this problem since then? 你好,请问之后你解决这个问题了吗?

Dengguty commented 7 months ago

Yes, I was in the same condition when I try to test my model. Have you solved this problem?

Have you solved this problem?

Hello, have you solved this problem since then? 你好,请问之后你解决这个问题了吗?

Dengguty commented 7 months ago

Yes, I was in the same condition when I try to test my model. Have you solved this problem?

Hello, have you solved this problem since then? 你好,请问之后你解决这个问题了吗?

WahyuBagus8545 commented 2 months ago

Have you all solve the problem?