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Wireless weather sensor app voor Athom Homey
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Repairing issues #123

Open TuxTiger opened 9 months ago

TuxTiger commented 9 months ago

I changed batteries in two of my 4 Auriol-based temp/hum sensors. I knew it would give the unit a new ID but it had to be done.

Pleased to see a 'repair' option was added into to App! I used OpenWebRX with ISM decoding to find which new sensor belonged to which Auriol-device (because there where 2 new sensors to choose from).

Repairing sensor 1 (new ID 95) resulted in a blanc page named "Nieuwe apparaten gevonden" with nothing happening. I waited a fair amount of time....enough to let the sensor send its values. I terminated the 'installation process' by clicking the X button

Repairing sensor 2 went OK. After choosing the right device and clicking "Ga door" the device became visible again, I could see the new ID (42) in the Advanced Settings. YES! the ID changed without me loosing historical data!!

So problem is that my first sensor cannot be repaired and strangely....the ID of the succesful repaired sensor keeps appearing as 'new' sensor. It looks like the App does not 'know' it is already claimed. Restarting the App does not change a thing.

The repair screen also keeps mentioning both new sensors: Screenshot_20230909_110650_Homey
