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Wireless weather sensor app voor Athom Homey
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Support Renkforce AOK-5055 #20

Open pjmpessers opened 6 years ago

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

I had a Cresta DTX500 weather-station. The weather-station outside is for temperature, rain, windforce and wind-direction. After a day or something it picks up only one signal and it was saying low on battery. When i removed it from the roof it got broken. So i bought the Renkforce AOK-5055 from conrad with the same outside weather-station. The signal of this new one can be picked up by the display of the Renkforce AOK-5055 and the display of the Cresta DTX-500. Both are 433mhz and both where 1 meter of homey. From the old i removed the batteries. Homey sees the new one as a Alecto V1, but has many CRC check errors or says the temperature are out of range.

I installed the V1.2.2 wireless weather sensors app. My firmware is 1.5.6.rc-6

Can you help me?

On the picture on the left is the new Renkforce AOK-5055 and on the right the old Cresta DTX500. As you see the outside weather-station are the same.


By this file you see many temperature out of range errors.

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

I also have one debug-file where you can see that it had a good readout once. Where the humidity is good, but i needed a offset of -32.8 for the temperature. Also is it possible to support the rain, windforce and wind-direction of this weather-station?

Thanks for your help.

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the data. I will have a look at it. These messages are shorter (35 bytes) than what I would expect. Let me see if I can find a protocol description for them.

nlrb commented 6 years ago

BTW: the data of the Cresta DTX-500 - did you receive this with the Cresta or Alectov1 protocol?

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your help.

Both. Cresta and Alectov1. The same thing is for the Renkforce AOK-5055. It also picks up Cresta and Alectov1.

Alectov1 gives me sometimes a good readout on both weatherstations. Just need to adjust the offset for temperature. But it only picks up one good readout a day. Cresta also gives a readout, but it is saying: "Invalid cresta message."

The renkforce does the same thing. Sometimes both also has a lacrosse TX2/3 readout by both. But never valid. Maybe it uses for every connected devices (Rain, Temperature, enz) different protocols?

I only can connect the one by devices with the ID 77 or TH77. This one is for temperature and humidity. I don't see the rain, enz.

When in need for more information, let me know. ;-)

nlrb commented 6 years ago

What I need to know is with which protocol the data was received reliably without CRC errors.

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

That came from the Alectov1 with one good readout. That was on the Cresta DTX500 and the Renkforce OAK-5055.

nlrb commented 6 years ago

So with Alectov1 you got a good read-out with correct temperature as well?

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

No. With Alectov1 it is more random. Most of the signal is invalid. But sometimes it picks up one good signal. And when the signal is picked up, the temperature readout is all over the place. A moment ago i needed to change the offset to -32.6. And the latest readout it was closer to the real temperature and i needed a offset of -2.2. The weatherstation is in this moment not outside, but in house. Also many cresta: "Not a valid cresta message."

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

On this moment it found a second Alectov1 tempature/ humitidy sensor on ID 154. See JSON file. ;-)

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

It seems on this moment that the readout on channel 2 (ID154) is much better. But still only temperature and humidity. No rain, windforce or wind-direction.

Update. Somehow it had a good readout for 10 minutes and now it's gone. Maybe it is set on a other channel?

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Ok, so in your case often the leading zero is missing in the data.

Can you make a change in app.json and install the code via the CLI?

Try changing line 605 to "minimalLength": 36, and see if that works better.

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

I made the change, but somehow i couldn't sideload it. When i gave the command NPM install -g athom-cli i got a message npm WARN deprecated node-uuid@1.4.8: Use uuid module instead.

nlrb commented 6 years ago

That is just a warning, you can ignore that.

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

Oke. But i don't see wireless weather sensor by settings apps.:-(

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Can you make a recording of the signal with ?

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

Not a problem. And thank you for your support.

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

I Managed sideloading the app. I made the mistake of using athom project-install instead of athom project --install. On this moment (5 Minutes) no devices.

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

This night it didn't find a device. But i see a invalid La crosse message.

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

I hear of people having problem with the new 1.5.6-rc6 and/or 1.5.6-rc7 in the 433mhz. For me it looks that it doesn't make a difference. The same problem was with v1.5.5. My AYCT-102 klikaanklikuit remote on 433mhz still works without a problem. I now see that it also find a lacrosse TX2/3 sensor. Is it possible it uses more then one protocols combined together? For every sensor uses another protocol? Or is this just a false readout?

nlrb commented 6 years ago

I don't know yet which protocols your sensors use. I first want to have stable Homey firmware before I can investigate this further. There are definitely issues with 1.5.6.rc-6/7.

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

I understand. I shall wait for a more stable firmware in the 433mhz band. 😉

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

Still no luck with the firmware 1.5.6.rc-8. :-(

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

Despite the new firmware update 1.5.6.RC-11 that would solve the problem with the wireless wheatherstations, the problem still excist. ;-)

pjmpessers commented 6 years ago

Also RC-13 doesn't solve it. Just a readout every +/- 3 hours or more.

Rotzbua commented 5 years ago

The device does not use a known protocol. You can lookup my analytic: